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Couple of questions on WOI

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There was thread about try made controlable ground units on CA. Use search engine for find it. Do not know exact topic name.


My friend Vrkuboy tried flyable T-72 for example :haha:


But atention... We are bit off topic :biggrin:

Edited by kukulino

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hi there...


thanks alot wrench & kukulino, I will download and try it....... i really Wanna spice up the game play, if any body know how to fix the phantoms trouble, please advise me, I tried to bring on my phantoms from WOV to WOI they didnt work also the skyhawks...

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Just use the aircraft you're given in game -- they're designed specifically for this Era/Region. Consider WoI as an "Era and Region Specific" designed game - very similiar to WoV.


Out of the box (or exe in this case! :wink: ) it dose EXACTLY what it's designed to do - replicate the Arab Isreali Wars from 1967-1983.


Now, of course, you CAN add Mirage Factory's offering, as they are designed to fit into this Era. As to importing planes form other games; it's quite doable -and here it comes- BUT...


Those older game's aircraft are NOT built to the same as their counterparts in WoI - that will be fixed with the SF/WoV/WoE patch comes out later this year.


I'd also reccomend looking through ALL the posts in the "WoI Historic Mods Thread" in the Mods and Skinning Forum. Many of your questions have already been answered.



kevin stin

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Hi everybody..


Me too I just got a copy of the amazing WOI after long long xp with WOV and WOE I see a huge differences...


* AI is very smart, i mean those migs can shoot to kill now no kidding, I found out some new launching positions that can hit an aircraft with flares (wow flares now are ejected with high quantity just like the real one's) get an IR lock, climb a bit higher (remember flares goes down!!), then from a somewhat close range fire ur IR and there goes the fireball, in WOE when u despence a single flare u quickly fool a missle no matter where its coming from "thats offcourse for older USSR missles, in WOI they hit targets".


* the terrain is amazing, mountains make detection very hard... and u can surprize ur enemy with a sneak attack from the vallies.


* AI will jetteson their bombs aborting their mission when under attack, to evade nissles "not all AI do that only the one under attack" thats nice, so realistic.


* graphics are much more superior to the WOE/V


* I tried to copy paste my phantoms, skyhawks and some other planes from my WOE and WOV they didnt showup in the flyable planes game minue??!!


*Mirage factory weapons pack is sweet but it lacks some weapons like AA-6 you have to add it ur self...!! the WOE huge weapons pack include way over 2500 weapon the mirage factory has only 149...! but with realistic FM.


* Mig-21 especially the BIS is so heavy in handling in WOI its even worse that mig-21MF in agility, it should have been an upgraded type of mig-21...


* also the mig-23's the bomber type handels better than the interceptor type, check out the WOE mig-23 it flies like a devil.


* israeli bases best SAM deffence is chapparal...!! its the only missle they had...?! am not so sure about my info but I think they had HAWK starting from the mid 60's I guess...? I checked the Arab sams and they were correct, The egyptians obtained the SAM-6 for the 73 war...! they even had cruise missiles on their badgers...


* I downloaded some of the mods made for camps. to fly the arab side they worked for 67, 73, but not for the caps of e.g. war of waters (not sure if name is correct), attrition war didnt work for both sides. too.....


I know I know I talk too much but I really love the series and wanted it to be better....


thank you...


Wow you should be marketing WoI. I got all excited when I read your post. :good:



Dagger1: have you downloaded the WoI IsraelME targets upgrade, available here at CA???


That'll fix you IDF air defense problems.


I should know, I built it....



kevin stein


Help me find it please. I couldn't find it using the search function :dntknw:

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Have looked for it directly in the SF/Wo*/FE Terrains and Mods category in the downlods? I never use the search function to find things..it usually don't.


But here's a direct link:






For a historical version, ie: 1948-1966, I'd reccomend Gepard's Isreal2, and my Isreal2 upgrade pak.



kevin stein

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