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Who is this Bongodriver?

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Hi folks,


Better explain the name change, craigbrierley is now Bongodriver, derived from the fact I drive a Bongo apparently, the islander had a nickname 'Bongo'



There you have it




Bongodriver :good:

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Ok craigbrierley! :smile:

Edited by Silverbolt

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Craig, Bongo. Either way your mods are cool.

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I was wondering how one "drove" a percussion instrument.

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A percussion instrument is a very accurate way of describing the Islander, one hour in that thing and your ears are bleeding.

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LOL, is it a helicopter that never learned to hover?? :wink:

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Hmmm...Rolf Harris springs to mind!


....can ya tell what it izz yit ?

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yoink! stealing bongo's thunder!


for those who don't know, the Islander is a little Britten-Norman plane of rather simple design. High wing, twin Lycoming six-bangers, fixed gear, and pretty short takeoff. Famous for their reliability, efficiency and general usefulness. There's also a three-engined version (the trislander) and a turboprop version (the turbo-islander. Duh.)



here's the islander. Cute, huh? :tongue:



and here's the trislander, kinda like a mini, prop version of a DC-10!

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Had no Idea I had created thunder to steal :tongue:


But heres a pic of my Islander 'Bongo'


Yes, we do fly that low all the time.



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well, by "thunder", I meant the drone of your little bird there.


where do you usually fly?

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where do you usually fly?



I am based at an airport called Manston in SE England, flying for HM Coastguard, our primary duties are surveillance to monitor the traffic sepparation scheme in the Dover strait (English channel) and we patrol the Thames estuary and southern part of the north sea, also for SAR we provide the search part of it visually and with on board homing receiver for marine band vhf, 121.5 mhz airband vhf, 243 mhz military and 406mhz, if we need to we also have an air droppable 7 person liferaft and 121.5 mhz marker buoys.

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