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Want to nkow If is possible to extract the WOV default A7B so I can use it in another SF series game. I know there are TMF new planes, but is for a experiment I'm doing. I'm almost sure is possible using the extractor, but which files I need to extract and where they go? Anyone can help?

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I usually let people figure out the files for themselves, because its a great learning experience.


But I can give a handy dandy tip: Make an extra folder containing the objectlist cat file alone, and extract using that isolated cat into that extra folder. Thus, all the files extracted, and there will be many, will be isolated, and not mixed with lots of other files.


Warning: one may miss a number of "A-7" cockpit texture files, as they are shared among multiple aircraft in The WoV. You will have to figure out what they are. Once you do that, you can do anything.

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and don't forget the decals...for USN birds, all 200 odd decals that pertain to the SLUF have to be moved over, and the decal ini re-worked.


to answer you pm: f-8j engine data



kevin stein

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Kevin I tried to copy the F8J engine data, the plane have now and AB, ( not visible ) but it can't exceed 495kts at 20.000ft any idea?

Also don't know how to change the radar in order to retain the current modes and to add search and boresight mode

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Use the avionics ini from the F-4B/J, well, any Phantom!! That should get what you want. Don't forget to change the DetectSystem section in the data ini to match the Phantom's.


you might need the afterburner tga in your /Effects folder from the Cruz, or swap out the AfterburnerEmitter= line for something else. You may also need to adjus the postion, fore or aft in the EngineData section


the max airspleen may be releated to other parameters in the flight models (ie: those CLa, CLo, etc -stuff I don't understand) in the other parts of the data ini. Also, activete the HUDDebug in the HUDData.ini, so you get the TAS reading in the display. It also give the actual Mach number for your TAS. Don't forget the difference between IAS and TAS :wink:



kevin stein

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I posted this a while back in a couple treads. But eighter no one understands me or no one belives me. but here it goes again.

This will work for SFP1 WoV and WoE. I think TK went a diferent path with WoI but haven't checked.

I find the easiest way to import airplanes from one game to the other. Is to take The WoE objectdata.cab and replace both the SFP1 and the WoV objectdata.cab(s), this is because (at least in my versions of the game) just as the WoV objectdata.cab contains every file in the SFP1 objectdata.cab and then some, so does the WoE objectdata.cab contains every file contained in the WoV objectdata.cab .

There is a size issue but the WoE objectdata.cab is only about 300 Mb and the SFP1 anout 150 Mb so I think its well worth it as it saves you a lot of individual extraction when importing planes from the newer games to the older. Because of what I explained above if you are importing from the older games to the newer you need not extract anything nor replace anyfiles.

Think I'm crazy? Well check the files. You will see the WOE objectdata.cab contains indeed the files for the planes that are in both previous games but that are not in WoE. So better yet just try it, take a plane any plane(your A/B for an instance) that is in a previous game but not in WoE, copy the airplane folder to WoE and voilla the plane is working!


Oh by the way just as a matter of curiosity the .EXE to all 3 games are also interchangeble... how? The ARE the same game! (Diferent content of course, love them, get 'em all!)

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Ok I checked and sorry for saying objectdata.cab it's .cat as I'm sure you all know. As I had heard WoI inded doed not follow the same path as it's predecessors and it's objectdata.cat only contains the files for the airplanes in WoI.

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I managed to get the Afterburner working and appearing, nice effect on the small corsair 2, radar and avionics working perfectly, I can intercept and destroy the range drone with Sparrows also I'm working on decals for it and also some skin work, but still have some problems and doubts, hope someone can help me.


1- At 500 kts more or less the stabs start to "vibrate" is a light effect but is annoying and makes the cockpit shake, I supose is ini related, anyone know how to solve it??


2- I really need more speed for this plane, can't have a plane that can barely hold 500 kts, need something faster, fast as the Crusader will be cool... F8E version maybe?


And now a doubt, which parameter should I change to get a "new" plane that not interfere with the default A-7B??


Thank's guys!

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And now a doubt, which parameter should I change to get a "new" plane that not interfere with the default A-7B


Change the Aircraft folder so it has a unique name such as MY_A-7B, inside that folder change the aircraft .ini (not the data.ini) to that same name MY_A-7B.ini edit that file and change "AircraftFullName=A-7B" to a name that is diferent to the AircraftFullName= of of every plane you have intalled.


If memory serves me that's it.

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Thank's lxsapper it worked. Now I "only" need help with the FM

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  Stratos said:
Thank's lxsapper it worked. Now I "only" need help with the FM



Hey glad it worked let us know on what you come up with. :rolleyes:

As far as FM goes that's way behoind my leage.

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