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Need help with Falklands terrain

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I'm trying to set a 1956 Falklands conflict using Seahawk and Meteors on the Falklands campaign terrain, But every time I try to start a mission in a Sabre or a PAnther, I get a CTD with the singlemission.dll. Anyone know why??

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It might have something to do with the available runways not being long enough. This is probably not so much of a problem for mainland Argentina, but possibly for any of the little mud-strips on the islands themselves.

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i think it is cause, some of the airfields are set after 1982.

have you got the same problem with other planes and other dates before 1982?

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Almost all the "old" planes. I believe Soulfreak is right, I'm having problems with the dates. any way to solve it?

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In the targets.ini, check the ActiveYear= line for ALL the airfields, and adjust as necessary. You can set them to 0, and they will be there all the time, FOR all time (cue music) 'until the stars falllllll frommm thee skyyyyy!!!' :haha:


sorry, couldn't resist...



kevin stein

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Worked! Even with you singing :rofl:

Edited by Stratos

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AH, you've heard me sing before!!!


Brings the birds right down from the trees ... to ATTACK!!! :rofl:


Glad that helped!!



kevin stein

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