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40th anniversary of WP invasion into CSSR

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This night, but 40 years ago invaded armies of 5 Warsav pact states into Czechoslovak socialist republic, another Warsav pact state. Operation named "Danube" starts in the night 20/21th august 1968.


Czechoslovak army has no orders to encounter invasion army, fortunately...



Here is nothing to celebrate. This is memento...



I mean this topic as reference to historical fact, no political or unfriendly sence.



I do not want provokate my friends from ex Warsav pack states. If they are really friends, they will understand sense of this topic I think. I do not want provokate.


I do not want obtrude to poeple from "western" states.



I want refer to hard times named Cold war...


Picture taken from: http://www.august68.web2001.cz/



Picture taken from: http://kojot.bloguje.cz/577960-39-let.php

Photos taken by "Luciennes" mother in 1968. Lucienne allowed blogs author publicise her mothers photos.

Edited by kukulino

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This night, but 40 years ago invaded armys of 5 Warsav pact states into Czechoslovak socialist republic, another Warsav pact state. Operation named "Danube" starts in the night 20/21th august 1968.


Czechoslovak army has no orders to encounter invasion army, fortunately...



Here is nothing to celebrate. This is memento...



I mean this topic as reference to historical fact, no political or unfriendly sence.



I do not want provokate my friends from ex Warsav pack states. If they are really friends, they will understand sense of this topic I think. I do not want provokate.


I do not want obtrude to poeple from "western" states.



I want refer to hard times named Cold war...


Picture taken from: http://www.august68.web2001.cz/



Picture taken from: http://kojot.bloguje.cz/577960-39-let.php

Photos taken by "Luciennes" mother in 1968. Lucienne allowed blogs author publicise her mothers photos.


Difficult and sad times for both Czechs and my own USA. We encouraged the action that led to this and then stood by and let it happen. Not our finest hour. God bless and rest those who gave all for their country.

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I do not want provokate my friends from ex Warsav pack states. If they are really friends, they will understand sense of this topic I think.

Even if I'm from western Europe, I won't think you will provocate them, old chap! : :yes:

They just suffered the same as Tchecoslovaquia did: Russian tanks, puppet governments and all the rest. Berlin 1953 for instance. Poland was on the verge to be invaded too in 1981, hadn't Jaruzelski done his putsch. And what about Hungary?

How surely, you easterners know what freedom his, and apart from soviet, all other participants in that military move were to some extent victims too.

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Your country fought and survived and won as you are still here, remember the hardship, rejoice in the victory and take note of the lessons learned; imperialism fails in the end no matte rwho the bully country may be, their feet are all made of clay (bible reference)

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Your country fought and survived and won as you are still here, remember the hardship, rejoice in the victory and take note of the lessons learned; imperialism fails in the end no matte rwho the bully country may be, their feet are all made of clay (bible reference)

Let's not forget that the Czechoslovak people threw the commies out without a shot being fired. The Velvet Revolution made that region a free society. I'm proud that my family heritage from both sides are Czech.

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Yes, there was Velvet revolution on 17.11. 1989 in Czechoslovakia. It was proces, not just single day. Why "Velvet"? Becouse as you right pointed, no poeple were killed and no shots fired... Satisfaction I think :yes:





Well freedom... What is freedom...



Smoke cigarettes on bus and train stations? Or say my opinions everywhere and anytime? Or do what I want?



Well, as we can see in many discussions here on CA, we are differented into two groups: red fans and blue fans. We can see many hot discussions about Soviet vs American planes, weapons, avionics etc, etc, etc... Oh of course, we are free, we can say what we want in these discussions, but as ussual we finish these discussions in this positions: It is propaganda what you said...



We are red fans and blue fans. Two groups... And Cold war finished some years ago... Are we (red and blue) really free?


So what is that freedom? Blue whisky and cigaretes or Red vodka and cigarettes? I am affraid that there is no positive answer what freedom is.



But poeple are still fighting for freedom, so looks like some freedom must exist but can not be defined maybe...

Edited by kukulino

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Czesh history is indeed a great one. Under the Hasbsurg, they were a great cultural and economical center of the Empire. Tchecoslovalia was a island of democracy into a dictatorship zone in the 20's and 30's. They had a very good military and were courageous.

It's a shame we let them down in 1938. Hadn't we, France, Poland and Britain may have won the war alone. It's a shame we let them down in 1945-48 too.

I know less about Slovakia (speaking mostly about cultural and such impacts), but I'm eager to learn!

I've a question to Kukulino, feel free to answer or not: what do you think about the 1993 partition? Were both parts of the Republic so differents? I know the language isn't the same, and that Slovakian were, sort of, put with the Czesh in 1918 without having say their mind, but are there other reasons?

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Why "Velvet"? Becouse as you right pointed, no poeple were killed and no shots fired... Satisfaction I think :yes:

Exactly, no shots fired and no one got hurt. That's a testament to the will of the people.

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So what is that freedom? Blue whisky and cigaretes or Red vodka and cigarettes? I am affraid that there is no positive answer what freedom is.


Quote you completely. Long live Czech. I miss Prague from my previous job

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Czesh history is indeed a great one. Under the Hasbsurg, they were a great cultural and economical center of the Empire. Tchecoslovalia was a island of democracy into a dictatorship zone in the 20's and 30's. They had a very good military and were courageous.

It's a shame we let them down in 1938. Hadn't we, France, Poland and Britain may have won the war alone. It's a shame we let them down in 1945-48 too.

I know less about Slovakia (speaking mostly about cultural and such impacts), but I'm eager to learn!

I've a question to Kukulino, feel free to answer or not: what do you think about the 1993 partition? Were both parts of the Republic so differents? I know the language isn't the same, and that Slovakian were, sort of, put with the Czesh in 1918 without having say their mind, but are there other reasons?

Yes, 20's and 30's were gold times, I think too :biggrin:


I can not comment situation in 1938. There will be another sad anniversary on 29.-30. september for Czechoslovakia ----- 70 years from Munich Agreement...




Mmmm, and our today Slovak republic is not first. First was in 1939 - 1945. This state was on axis side. In 1944 there was Slovak National Uprising in Slovak republic, but not fully success. Aftew WW2 we were Czechoslovakia again.


We sold Avias S-199s and Spitfires to Israel. After some years we sold Mig-15 to Egypt... Those times was not easy. High political games...


After unbloody Velvet revolution in 1989 we stayed together with Czech brothers in one state. There were discussions about two new separate states after revolution in Czechoslovakia. I can not say what really caused differention proces, becouse I was just twelve on january in 1993. Some poeple wanted it some not. Looks like political game maybe. On the other hand, many slovak poeple really wanted our own republic. Donno if most of czech poeple wanted it too, but I suppose yes. Why? I see it like natural step in our history. We were Slovaks allways and our brothers were Czechs allways. Differention process was silent, without some big problems, but painles for some poeple.


We understand czech language and czech poeple understand our language. We are still brothers, not just friends. We were, we are and we will brothers I hope :wink:

Edited by kukulino

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