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Okay, I'm making this the thread for the F-35 cockpit, and I'm just going to post problems here as I encounter them, so future generations won't be quite as confused.


Question 1: Cockpit Counters.


How do I set these up? I have 3 dials (10 sided polys) sunk into my flat panel display with numbers (see screenshot). Should I link these together, give them constraints, what should I name them, basically I'm asking for a cockpit counter tutorial in 3ds max, can anybody help? I couldn't find anything with the search function, swear! :blink:


This will solve a lot of problems on this cockpit, and get you guys into the -35 a lot faster, so any help is greatly appreciated!



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Hi Klavs,


just link those counters to the main mesh, or to what you prefer. The name of them must have this format:

The right one is XXX_dig1, middle is XXX_dig2 and left XXX_dig3. Here´s an example for an altimeter:













The pivot point needs to have the axis set in the Movement Type to the side!

In case you don´t have a needle with the counters:









Hope this helps, if you run into other problems, feel free to contact me.





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Anybody know anything about moving maps?


I've got a radar_screen and a map_screen, but both are showing up as the moving map, and it's not MOVING, as it's zoomed out as far as it can go.






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NodeName=moving map


can be this?

i found in craig's Typhoon cockpit

Edited by Silverbolt

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littlesmoke is your man!

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With the advent of WOI came a new way to make counters, much more fitting for the modern digital 'glass' cockpits, this is what made my typhoon WOI specific, the new counter node format is called 'digital counter' and it uses only one polygon to create each digit counter, instead of having a 10 sided component , the way it functions is by making the texture animate instead of the component itself.


I wish these patches for the rest of the series hurry up, these new counters are much better for digital cockpits and will require a rebuild of the cockpit .lod if analogue counters have been used, if you see where I am coming from, I mean all these new digital jets are being built fast now and are having to have 'old' avionics just to make them compatible with the other sims.

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Anybody know anything about moving maps?


I've got a radar_screen and a map_screen, but both are showing up as the moving map, and it's not MOVING, as it's zoomed out as far as it can go.






Silverbolt is correct on the ini entry.


You probably have used the same material on both screens, that's why the map shows twice. To make it bigger change the size of the UVMap applied. Unfortunately is one size fits all, so make it big enough to be plausible with larger maps.

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btw, klavs, do you have any idea of how did an hmd ?

i remember some threads ago, serverandenforcer post a idea of how to do it, but i can't find the thread.

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