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Kevin R Brown

Countermeasures & AI Modern Aircraft

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I edited the WOECAMP2_DATA file and gave the Reds a couple of flights of SU-27s that I downloaded to give myself some more interesting aerial opponents... but, though this largely worked like a charm, there's a frustrating problem I now have:


The AI uses countermeasures when flying these aircraft and shot at with missiles (which is cool by me), and the damn countermeasures are 100% effective against any missile fired from any range at them (which is definately NOT so cool by me). Missile-proof aircraft are no fun for me to fight, and just plain decimate my wingmen, but I DO like the challenge of duelling aircraft with equal performance to mine.



Is there any way to either make the countermeasures more realistic (that is, that are perhaps 25-35% effective, and only assuming you're able to put missiles on the beam) or disable the AI's ability to deploy countermeasures?

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One easy way may be to wait for the next patch - the chaff/flares seem much less effective in WOI.


Your other options are to remove countermeasures from the SU-27 or up the values of the missiles via the weps editor.


to remove - open up the su-27_data.ini and find the [chaff dispenser] section (or similar) - set the chaff and flare values to 0

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Click on the downloads. Check out the weapon vault.

Check the Knowledge Base as well.

All you speak of can be modified.

Heck, here you can even put a UFO in the sky.

We also have a celebrity WW1 pilot in case you havent picked up your Peanuts in a while.

Whatever your pleasure,just click on the downloads.



P.S save weapon data.ini before you try anything.

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