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Auto landing gears

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Any fellow 3d modder know iF u can have gears retract automatically?...I have summat up my sleeve that needs dummy gears that I want to retract...they arent visible..but I was looking at making them use the speed controlled entry in data.ini

like the canopy closing as you take off...using this...



anyone ttried such ?

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You mean something like Pasko's Rex and 163 Komet??



kevin stein

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I uploaded the Rex last week (?) sometime. The Komet should be here, IIRC.


What he did on the Rex was have the beaching gear wheels retract into the float. On the Komet, the wheeled trolley drops off when retracting the gear -- and then MAGICALLY comes up from the ground!!! when the gear is extended. He also actually did add the center skid, for those brave enough to attempt the 'Real Life ™' style of landing.


If you can't find the Komet, let me know, and I'll upload the pack


Capun did something similiar to the Rufe (that I need to finish the readmes for)...but I think the float (actually a non jettisonalbe drop tank) is NOT set as landing gear. Somehow got the thing to sit higher, without gear. I actually haven't really looked at the data ini gear section too closely.



kevin stein

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ok thanks kev mate......I have discovered that I can get away with invisible gears...(opacity on mesh to 0) and no collision points as they arent needed...only the height is needed so they can be used to land on correctly...tho the gears are used for something that is replacing landing gears....If I say more, it will give away what im doing...lol...

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grrr... automatic landing gear... you'd better not be modeling a Piper Cherokee Arrow, with the stupid landing gear that automatically retracts when you pass 110 knots (or maybe mph), but you can't go that fast unless you retract the gear!

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  russouk2004 said:
ok thanks kev mate......I have discovered that I can get away with invisible gears...(opacity on mesh to 0) and no collision points as they arent needed...only the height is needed so they can be used to land on correctly...tho the gears are used for something that is replacing landing gears....If I say more, it will give away what im doing...lol...


In the immortal words of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, "Give it away, give it away, give it away now!"



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