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What Is This???

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So I click my handy-dandy little keyboard button that goes straight to biohaz. And this is what comes up, black bg and orange letters:


"Knight of Hell ownz u b0x?




Rapa quando eu quero owna eu owno e pronto ue Aqui é arueira meu irmão tem desse de nego tosco aki nao aki nois faiz mes aqui é Knight of Hell.


Ownando mais um sitezim pa galera, e pros kiddies de plantão na fita vai manda um redeface encima desse aki uiheiuehuiehueihe esse aqui eu posso ate deixar sem registrar se quizer...


mais como eu sou executa ne ./exploit uheiehiheiuhe num vo deixa esse passar em branco nao, vo te q registrar


Hehehehe brasileiro com orgulho uheiuheuiehiueheuieiheiuheuie um treixinho de uma musica que eu viajo pra kct


"Esse é meu país sem comparação".


é brasilzao em hueiuheuiheuiehuieheiuheiuheui...


Greetz: faisca_sk8, mr_sagaz, Undercow, smurf_redhat, blaster_red, darkfuneral, intrud3rm4n, blinks... pow nao vo da mais greet nao uhheiuheiuehiue se nao vai pa familia inteira aii falow e até a proxima pessoal...


crianças nao tentem fazer issu em casa... hahahahaha


Knight of Hell S/A tem que po bem grande pros nego intende sociedade anonima uheiuhih sacou??"


What the heck is this? I tried typing in the URL instead of the button, and got the same thing.


EDIT: PS. Sorry, probably should've put this in the "Biohaz bugs" forum.

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Ya I saw that too, could be the same guys who hacked Sim-Outhouse and Il2-Center.com. :angry:



This is a job for...NINJAS! :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

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i vented on this guy at simhq so i won't rewrite it as it wasn't very nice...I think i made mention of his questionable parentage,or lack of it. :ph34r:

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oh man, not my month...


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Ya I was like... wtf Biohaz es en Espanol.


A si, "Knights of Hell".


Sorry for the spanish... I cheated for my 6 creds :D


We should get somebody to interpret it.


Edit: wait I think its in a Brazilian dialect of Portuguese.

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I got this new "BIOHAZ" page too. Was fixin to post when I saw yur post snapple. Didnt know you went spanish Jeff, hehe. Actually, Im at work and one of the spanish ladies was readin this and said it makes very little sense. It rambles bad. This person is in dire need of a lobotomy likely... :blink:

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I saw this msg several times yesterday.. Was wondering if the site had been hacked...


Glad it back to normal, and looking good too.

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