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Comming Up On 1 Year At Biohaz

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Was just looking around and it looks like I am comming up on my 1 year mark as a member at biohaz. It's kind of cool thinking about sarting off close to when this site started off, but it has grown into something special. Great work Jeff you have a really nice piece of realistate here on the web and the sim community.

I'm sure to some this thread is a typical "so what" scenerio, but it's just kinda neat to me starting off with a site from its begginings. :)

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Ahh I remember my first post. It was about the Su-35 and its exclusion from LOMAC. There weren't many members then (I'm #21), but MJ quickly replied with a helpful answer. From LOMAC I found Biohaz, from Biohaz I found SF, and soon found my squad, and rose from LT. jg, to LCDR in 3 days!!!


Thanks for keeping up the site, I hope I get to see many more birthdays.



Jason Saffell

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Yeah, Jeff's managed to make a really outstanding site, not good, not ok, OUTSTANDING!


Ya know, it just occured to me...we should have some kinda virtual one year party here at Biohaz. Any suggestions? Maybe everyone come online at 5pm PST on a given day to chat and have a beer together. Jeff could decorate the website...LOL! :lol:

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My first post was a poll about how big the strike fighters patch would be. Ahhh those be the days.

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maybe we need a java chat box or something so we can goof off when surfing.

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There is a chat room onsite, go to the echat link on the main site menu. You can open it up in a window and chat away while you surf. :D

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