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Reno Air Races getting the FAA Look Over

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My parents just flew up to the mainland to go to the races, wish i was going with them but i couldn't afford it. I went a couple of years ago and it was awesome!

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Jeez, Here come the Safety Nazis to ruin another sport. Yes i do feel bad for the Pilots who died and there family and friends, but this is a dangerous sport, everyone knows this and they accept the risk. No one is going out there trying to get killed, but accidents can and do happen and sometimes people die, but i doubt any of them would want the sport drasticly changed because of an accident.


I hate the way our world today rushes to put pads on all the sharp corners of life, it will only leave us with a planet full of people who need to be coddled and unable to handle real situations when they happen. :dntknw:

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