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WW2 Luftwaffe stencling for Bf-109s & Fw-190s

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WW2 Luftwaffe stencling for Bf-109s & Fw-190s

Some stencils for skinning WW2 Luftwaffe aircraft


These are some psds I created for 'doing up' all those bothersome warning tags and labels and general info stuff as seen on the Bf-109s and Fw-190s. They can probalby be used on just about any WW2 Luftwaffe aircraft needing or using them.


The various 'thingys' consist of the fuel triangles, oleo extension marking, tire pressures, lift points and other servicing bits.

They were taken via the 'export picture' function in Adobe PDF from various and sundry Aero Detail books I have on PDF.


They are QUITE large, and will require downsizing to fit on your aircraft skin template. I disremember how far down, but for the most part they DO remain viewable on a 1024x1024 skin. Best way to do this, is copy out the section (they're all invidual layers), drop it onto the skin template, guesstimate the shrinkage, delete THAT item, and then copy/paste into a NEW image, then reduce it in size, and copy/paste the newly resized unit onto the skin template. Lots of unnecessary steps, I'm sure! :)


If you're used to working with multiple layers, it's pretty easy!


Happy Stencling!


kevin stein


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But I found a few spelling errors...


"Rotring" - ??? (no idea what that supposed to mean... where on the plane is it placed?)

"Kühler ist im Haubentiel eingebaut" - not sure... but it is no existing word... (maybe "Haubenteil"? make not much more sense, but...)

"qurchsprngtadung" - "durch Sprengladung" (per explosive charge)


The rest seems to be correct.

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I just copied the pictures out of the book!! I have NO idea how they should be really spelled!! I have enough problems with plane English! :wink: The books are in Japanese, with -most fortunately- English captions for the pictures.


BTW, that ejection warning don't even show up when you put it on the plane. I used on the Dora 9 and Ta-152; all you can see is a little red square (if that!). There's also a bunch of other I did't use, simply because you'd never see them at the usual resolutions.


I also forgot to put in the readme, what actual books I used


Aero Detail #1: Bf-109E (although less than no help!)

Aero Detail #2 Fw-190D

Aero Detail #5: Bf-109G

Aero Detail #6: Fw-190A-F


Hope you all can make SOME use of them!



kevin stein

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