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What's going on in the Far East....

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Great stuff man, would be nice if you applied some of the goodness to the AmericaNW map but as said man, great work..

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Hi Wrench


Just wondering how your Korean mod is going?




Snapper 21


We had a terrain version mixup, I did a sloppy job of repositioning the target areas...anyway it's still a WiP


Actually this is a good reminder, I need to talk to Wrench about it lol

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Its good to hear its still a wip, am looking forward to this one.




Snapper 21

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Right now, it's on hold.


Once I got the proper map, as I was working on a really OLD version of it, with all the right tiles and rivers and etc, and discovered I have to reposition 200 target area....burnout set in.


So, I choose to take a little brake from it. I have to figure out the new postioins for virtually all the cities, naval bases, AD units, ports, hydroelectric plants, etc, etc and of course, etc.

Some areas will need retiling (expecially Seoul), as the city tiles are misplaced (way too far inland)


After the beginning of the New Year, I'll get back to it, and let Brain know what needs retile/flattening/trees moved, whatever


I'm still shooting for a 'all years usage' from 1950 - the present



kevin stein

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Any update on this one? Really looking forward to it

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I personally have no clue, if Wrench is not working in silence I don't see it happen until I get STT or somebody who has the time to go over target areas.

It's a shame really, my intention was to release this baby atleast a year ago if not more :dntknw:

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Kevin, can you tell us something about this one??

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Haven't touched it for months....


I get/got very discourged due to my own stupididty, as I was using an older version of the map (and had it 90% completed, excepting for movements ini). The 'newest' one, which I belive is more 'full sized', has displaced EVERY single target area by anyting from ~5000 to 50000 meters, so the entire targets ini --some 250 items, some with more than 900 lines- have to be re-placed in their correct locations. Meaning: nothing is where it's supposed to be.


That, and the damn TE keeps crashing out whenever I go in and flatten a region (airfield, armybase, factory center). Oddly, it DOES seem to 'keep' the newly flattened area.


Eventually, I want to get back to it; the initial premise was an "all inclusive" year-type of terrain, for Historic 1950s Korean War to modern and post-modern.


When I'm getting back to it, I don't know. If someone thinks that they can make the necessary adjustments -and more importantly -keep things in their historical and geographicly correct context and do as good a job as I do with targetization (ie: to my exacting standards), I'll be glad to pass it on, with all the necessary "goodies" I've created/added (ground objects, etc)


Until then, sorry folks, we'll just have to wait; or like I said above, somebody step up. And do right.



kevin stein

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