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AS-15TT & Marte Mk.2

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Cool lindr.


Thanks for the fresh weapon mods you do.


It really helps takes the sim international, slowly but surely.



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One little problem: the drafts of weapon end for me, soon there is nothing it will be to do...


I would like to create the followings weapons but not have drafts :


- Star ARM Missile (Israel)


- RBS15G Bomb (Sweden)


- Barb ARM Bomb (S-Africa)


- Mathogo AT missile (Argentina)


Anyone can help my?

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I admit I never heard of those. Have NO CLUE


Maybe some ballistic missiles?


I'm going to try to get some kind of IRBM and maybe even ICBM "object" to work on my 6 Million Meter Map. There may be ways to trick the game into doing it. Re-entry effects would be tricky.


As far back as SF 1.0, I setup flyable MiG-21F at about 150km altitude, initial "speed" about 500knots in KMD, airspeed indicator display ZERO. :good: I slowly started to spin up, rotating around all axis (I think, it was bad), fell faster and spun faster until slowing down in the thick air near the ground, and I pulled out about 2000m. :dntknw: TK has the atmospheric physics, just not the airframe stress modelling.

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I have a good reference book on Russian missles, I can do some SS models and some ship armanent missiles.


If missiles LOD's are needed for the armament of ships or gound objects write... i try help.

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MiG R-500 Russian "bomarc" ... I have no drawings. A-35


R-11,R-2,R-3 I can use. They could threaten forward SAC escort bases.




Assuming they can be made to work. If not, don't need.


I can't use R-7 because I assume USSR under attack by SAC. R-7 launch pad TOO BIG. For the same reason, I don't include the artificial Bratsk Reservoir on my 6M map, although it would be great for flying and navigating around, its SO LARGE. R-7 pad and dams can't be hidden, so will not be constructed.

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MiG R-500 Russian "bomarc" ... I have no drawings. A-35


R-11,R-2,R-3 I can use. They could threaten forward SAC escort bases.




Assuming they can be made to work. If not, don't need.


R-500 is Iskander ?


I have R-2 dravings is R-1 (V-2) variant... i can make this.


R-3 NEVER FLY, project was canceled on paper stage..


R-11 is more smaller variant of R-17 i have no draft of r-11 but i can use R-17 model as reference


A-35 is 2 stage missile http://www.wonderland.org.nz/a-35.htm i can make this, but as one stage missile.

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I think that the balistic missile sistem can be done with some compromise.

I've modified and tested the scud missile with decent result of hitting a target as far as 450Km on the Israel map.

Finished the weapons?

There are some good SAM sistem missing. 2K11 (SA-4 Ganef), S-300PMU (SA-10 Grouble),Buk (SA-11 Gadfly), S-300V (SA-12 Gladiator)....

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about the matogo AT from Argentina, it was some kinda of TOW with short range, used by a soldier and launched from a little box, cable guided. i dont know any development to A-S of this missile

maybe you can found some data at "zonamilitar.com.ar"

if you dont read spanish i can make some search for you


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Plenty of missiles needed:


A new Tomahawk.

Patriot (including launch system)



TOW (including launch pods)


Nike Hercules




Also, 2 stage missiles are easy...several of them in the stock game. Take a look at my S-200 and Stinger updates as examples.



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Plenty of missiles needed:


A new Tomahawk.

Patriot (including launch system)



TOW (including launch pods)


Nike Hercules




Also, 2 stage missiles are easy...several of them in the stock game. Take a look at my S-200 and Stinger updates as examples.




If anyone makes a Bloodhound, let me know, I have a couple of decent walkarounds and can get further pics easily.

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Seeing the Sea King in the opening post made me sad...these guys are going to go (to the Army though) once the new heli deal has been finalized (EVERYONE wants the AW101 to be the replacement).

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If anyone makes a Bloodhound, let me know, I have a couple of decent walkarounds and can get further pics easily.



The Bloodhound and Patriot missile systems would be particularly welcome as other than the Hawk the west is a bit light of air defences and the Bloodhound would complement well the forthcoming British Isles / North Sea map.



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