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A quick question for the expert modders out there; What's the name of the pylon attachment for the AGM-88 HARM? I've been modding the A-4K and the missile looks like it's attached to thin air. What I've been doing is getting the references from the

Mirage Factory A-7E but it doesn't give a reference name for the attachment

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Missile rails are often part of the aircraft model itself and cannot be transferred to other aircraft.

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Missile rails are often part of the aircraft model itself and cannot be transferred to other aircraft.


Ahhh, so this might be why I can't find any reference to one in the weapons directory. What I was thinking of was something along

the more traditional lines of (for example) the TER rack for the bombs

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The hardpoints and model specific launch rails aren't transferable, but some of the racks can be, ie, the APU_62 2IR rack. I think it's only MER,TER and the twin racks or whatever is in the weapons directory.

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To answer the original question, the "AllowedWeaponClass=" is ARM



kevin stein

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To answer the original question, the "AllowedWeaponClass=" is ARM



kevin stein



I think you misunderstood the question, bud; The missile is showing alright, it's just the the attachment that goes on the pylon for the HARM itself to fit onto. Take for example, the set up with the Mirage Factory's F-4G Wild Weasel. The pylon adaptor that fits on the outer and inner pylons, upon which the HARM itself is attached to.

If I had the technical know-how, I'd design one myself and add it to the Weapons Pack via the Weapons Editor

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This is what I mean everybody:


This is the pylon attachment on the MF F-4G:



And this is the similar pylon attachment I've been trying to place on the A-4K:



I've been told a while ago that this particular pylon attachmentis part of the LOD file on the MF F-4G and is non transferrable, but what I've been thinking about was; is it possible to design one and place it in the Weapons folder via the Weapons Editor?

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Sure, that would be possible. There's even a tutorial by capun that might explain how to do that:


Adding a weapons rack mini-tutorial


Thanks for the info Gocad. Will certainly look into this a bit more. I wouldn't be like this only for the fact that I'm a stickler for detail.

Here's a request for any of our US colleagues: what's the actual designated name for that pylon attachment?


Hold on; what's that sound..........KER-CHINK!!!!.............oh, yeah, a beautiful sound on a Saturday night.

Must go chaps. I've got eight cans to drink and the movie 'Thirteen Days' is coming on at nine on UKTV Gold.

It's warming up time!

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