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Ground Object Problem

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I am experiencing some problems with ground objects.


I have SFP1, patched up to latest patch. I adjusted each ground object according to the new standard.




ObjectFullName=2S6 Tunguska



When I select a CAS mission on stock desert terrain I fly out to the target area and find buildings that are substituting for a tank, APC, etc. This will occur on both freindly and enemy sides. Sometimes, I will find a hardened shelter vs. a radio tower.


Any ideas on how to fix this problem?

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I am experiencing some problems with ground objects.


I have SFP1, patched up to latest patch. I adjusted each ground object according to the new standard.




ObjectFullName=2S6 Tunguska



When I select a CAS mission on stock desert terrain I fly out to the target area and find buildings that are substituting for a tank, APC, etc. This will occur on both freindly and enemy sides. Sometimes, I will find a hardened shelter vs. a radio tower.


Any ideas on how to fix this problem?


Sounds as if someone used the wrong coordinates for ground objects on whichever map you're using, and they're inside the .tod objects.

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Well,,, the problem is with these CAS missions is they are game generated.

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Which map? The stock desert, or an add on??? That should never happen; although I have seen vehicles driving right through the TOD objects (those little bothersome buildings at cities) on both CAS and Armed_Recon.


Also, check the movements.ini, to make sure there ARE "Ground_Attack" routes defined. There are some that do not have them, or use were never adjusted for the terrain (or terrain's in question)


CAS should only generate vehicles that are defined as "Tank" in their data inis. A_R missions, however, will often generate extreamly odd things (cases in point: the 'camo net' and FireCan radars), other than objectes defined as "Transport"*. SF was doing this quite consistently, which is one of the reasons I don't use it anymore. WoE/WoV seems a bit more "stabalized" in how it generates objects for these missions.



kevin stein


* fun thing to do....take BTR-152s, BRDMs, M-113, etc (making sure they are the tweeked versions with working MGs) change their role to "TRANSPORT" from RECON ... and watch the sparks fly on an AR mission!! They will shoot you full of holes!

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I was using the stock desert map from SFP1. I will go back and adjust the data ini.s to TANK"


Thanks for the help. I will let you know what happens.

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Please do!! It's nice to know I actually fixed something once in a while!! :haha:



kevin stein

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I was using the stock desert map from SFP1. I will go back and adjust the data ini.s to TANK"


Thanks for the help. I will let you know what happens.


I once did that to Dave. I sent him a tweaked object pack that included ZSU-23-4 "transports". It took him a while to discover what I did, he was flying an Armed Recon mission in an F-4E and encountered a column of those "transports". He later had some choice expletives for me :biggrin:

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The problem seems to be fixed. I adjusted the XXX_data.ini files of my groundobject units (BRDM, M113, BTR, etc.) I still get the GFD-12 Hardened Hangar and a few others that will show up for the fight.


(Here are my settings for the hangar)











Overall, I appreciate The Wrench and Fubar512's help.


As always, I greatly appreciate the assistance.


Kindest regards - KRFRGE

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I am experiencing some problems with ground objects.


I have SFP1, patched up to latest patch. I adjusted each ground object according to the new standard.




ObjectFullName=2S6 Tunguska



When I select a CAS mission on stock desert terrain I fly out to the target area and find buildings that are substituting for a tank, APC, etc. This will occur on both freindly and enemy sides. Sometimes, I will find a hardened shelter vs. a radio tower.


Any ideas on how to fix this problem?

Yeah,and I sometimes see on CAS missions radardome vs. T-72.T_T

Why is that? :dntknw:

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Well, that could be part of the problem...you should NEVER have terrain objects in the GroundObjects folders. Hangers and their ilk shouldn't have a data ini...their info is all contained in the various terrains ***_Types.ini, thereby locking them down, so to speak, as the building/structure that they are.


Change the Role= on the radardome to "EW_RADAR" (again, this is another that should also only be a terrain object - just look in the Lybia V.3 build of mine). In this case, if you've fiddled with the [DetectSystem], and adding a search radar to paint you, you can concievbly place said data in INTO THE TERRAIN FOLDER (see Lybia, again). It may or may not register on your RWR, unlike Fubar's radar equiped CargoShips. Or just leave it in the GO folder, and hope it dosen't replace something vital like a Barlock or Flatface.


I don't even believe in having the 'parked static' aircraft in the GO folder...reduces the chance of them showing up randomly in CAS or AR missions -- they should also be terrain objects (now a moot point with the new patch, btw)


So, make your changes and let us know what happens.

Remember: ALL building are terrain objects, and should never be in the GO folder. They can only be used via the terrains ***_Targets.ini and ***_ types.ini.



kevin stein

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That did the trick. Everything is back to normal. No more RadioTowers fighting T-62's.


Thanks for the superb assistance.



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Just out of curiosity, did the radio towers win???? You know, broadcasting decadent Western rock and roll and heavy metal at the Red Army's tanks???





kevin stein

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Amazingly, the radio towers "stood their ground"!

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