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Lybia terrain, ships below sea level

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Lybia terrain, latest version from wrench, as downloaded from CA. WOE patched, pointed at desert.cat

is there a reason why?, Must be something easy..happens also in other terrains, does not happen prepatch


What is funny is that if zoom quite away you see the whole ship, then you zoom in (or approach) and the ship sinks,,




Edited by Canadair

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Lybia terrain, latest version from wrench, as downloaded from CA. WOE patched, pointed at desert.cat

is there a reason why?, Must be something easy..happens also in other terrains, does not happen prepatch


What is funny is that if zoom quite away you see the whole ship, then you zoom in (or approach) and the ship sinks,,


I had the same problem on the cuba terrain.I think that Terrains based on SFP1 need updated to fix it correctly See this post for a quick fix. Its for carriers, but it also fixes the sunken ship issue.



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Well, wadda expect from cheap ships?? Probably got attacked by Harryhausen's 5-armed Octo-squid or Godzilla!!


I think it's the HM.bmp file related problem we're dealing with in Korea as well. It's DEFINATELY a post-patch issue. Try pointing it to the GermanyCE.cat, and see what happens (the result of which I'm pretty I know - nothing!)


The other fix could be to extract all the ***hm.bmps from the desert.cat, and paint them black. (according to Brain32 that makes them flat). I was going to attempt this last night, but got extreamly side-traked on another issue.


Which, of course, means that all the other terrains out there that have any water on them -- what is it? 30+ units?? -- will need major overhauls.


That DO suck!!!



kevin stein

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Well, wadda expect from cheap ships?? Probably got attacked by Harryhausen's 5-armed Octo-squid or Godzilla!!


I think it's the HM.bmp file related problem we're dealing with in Korea as well. It's DEFINATELY a post-patch issue. Try pointing it to the GermanyCE.cat, and see what happens (the result of which I'm pretty I know - nothing!)


The other fix could be to extract all the ***hm.bmps from the desert.cat, and paint them black. (according to Brain32 that makes them flat). I was going to attempt this last night, but got extreamly side-traked on another issue.


Which, of course, means that all the other terrains out there that have any water on them -- what is it? 30+ units?? -- will need major overhauls.


That DO suck!!!



kevin stein




Pointing to Germany.cat does nothing!.

Out of frustation I tried various terrains, among those, Suez 2, where in all the tiles involving water we have:






HeightMapScale=10.000000 <--------------------------------------------






Whereas, in many desert.cat based terrains, such as lybia or Asw we had, inal texture involving water:







HeightMapScale=75.000000 <----------------------------------------------- The cuplrit. Change this to 10 (for ALL the tgas involving sea or water, and it should be okei





Fir this entry,HeightMapScale= , in all terrains that I have I ve seen various values. Latest Cuba, for example is 25.

For lybia 10 is a good setting, I have reason to believe 10 is a good setting for all those terrain, but that will require experiments, which is time consuming especially finding ships

So pelase experiment and post results. So far 10 is good for lybia 2 and ASW

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you know, what really funny about that pic, is the engine are obvioulsy still working as evidenced by the smoke. You'd think they boilers would flooded wit the decks fully awash.


I've got the go check this now, both on Lybia AND korea!!! Hope it fixes bridges as well. Gabriel, you said it worked on ASW too??? That one was driving me bat-s**t crazy with the coastlines.


Now, mind you, I STILL haven't patched my "all is everything install'', that has ALL the terrain maps, so I'm a little behind the curve right now. What with some 'other issues' to deal with too.



kevin stein

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Use 1.0 for the value. In theory, using a higher value makes the terrain more FPS-friendly, but I've never seen a difference.

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Gabriel, you said it worked on ASW too???



kevin stein


I think it does work on ASW as well. I am in the process of patching "the one and everything install" It is LONG process, thankfully has happened in days of rain, with overcrewed airplanes and wife away. Otherwise I could not dedicate 8 hrs a day to patching.


The shore of Nas corpus christi; please not I am using a very old desert repainf from deuces, that I like a lot, for all the "desert" based terrains. It comes whitout animated water, but the edit I made works on the animated waters as well, in the least so it did in Libya



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Here's some shot's, Libya and Korea, using the "10" value (which like Fub said above, and I now believe, is too high) Looking at the extraced, newly patched Germany anc Vietnam data inis, TK is using the value of "2", so that might be a good compromise.


so, anyway, 10 works, just not on all things...




interesting to note the differences in these 4 ships;the 2 in the foreground are riding 'high', while the 2 in the background are settinglower, like they've yet to be off loaded.




that bothersome bridge, just north of Taegu. At least thing are starting to show again


and the Han river bridges


yes, I'll have to fix that off ramp...damn CalTrans!!


I also repainted ALL the hm bmps to black, which effectively give them a 0 height, and that helps a great deal as well. That way, the only height data comes directly from the HFD file (some terrain guru please correct me if I'm wrong.

So, that's yet another fix to add to this mishagas.


Back to rewriting them to "2.000"



kevin stein

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ok after swapping out the value to "2" on the Korea map that is the fix!!! Didn't take any screenies, but all the objects, with a few minor flaws on those acursed Han river bridges (honetsly, I don't think TK ever expected anyone to build a bridge over 30+ sections long....) ie: some small vertical displacement at only those sections crossing the land/water interface. It all works. Ships are no longer submerged (even the docked Romeo is riding high - tanks blown dry??)


So, using the stock height level, and repainted hm bmps is the way to go. Just extract anything with a ***_hm.bmp suffix, "paint it black" as Mick would say, toss them pack into the terrain folder, and that should fix that.


Now, the only other issue that's popped up, is the generic building in the TOD files are now appearing where there wern't any before. Looks better, but now I got a dozen industrial buildings to relocate in Pyongyang!! It just never ends... :crazy:



kevin stein

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FORMOSA works a blast with the 2.0 setting; uses the germany convention mostly and the germany.cat (including the bridges)


QUESTION; the Hm.bmp wea re talking about (to be repainted black) are only those of desert.cat, or you need to repaint also those of germany and vietnam.

Answer (?????) depends on the cat you are poining at.





Question number two:

And painting them black has the same result that putting the 2.0 setting?

Answer (?????): I think painting them is maybe redundant. ASW and libya that use desert conventions are fine with the 2.0 height setting, or so it seems

Edited by Canadair

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Korea uses the vietnamsea naming, so you'll need to hms from the vietnamseas cat. There's 49 of them, btw, including the 2 'open sea' ones that already ARE black.


To save you'll some time, here they are: These are the Vietnam sea ones, already repainted. I'll try and get the desert one later, or each can extract their own.




If using another cat pointer, these WILL NOT WORK (actually, these are from Brain32, for Korea)

For the Lybia terrain, and problly several others of mine that use the old desert.cat naming for the terrain tiles, I"ll try and work up a set of them later.


our vampire show is starting on HBO, and I gotta Fly like a bat!! Anna Paquin in a tight t-shirt...hmmmmm



kevin stein

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Wanted to post this, and I edited previous post..DOH



FORMOSA works a blast with the 2.0 setting; uses the germany convention mostly and the germany.cat (including the bridges)


QUESTION; the Hm.bmp wea re talking about (to be repainted black) are only those of desert.cat, or you need to repaint also those of germany and vietnam.

Answer: depends on the cat you are poining at.





Question number two:

And painting them black has the same result that putting the 2.0 setting?

Answer (?????): I think painting them is maybe redundant. ASW and libya that use desert conventions are fine with the 2.0 height setting, or so it seems, what do you think, Kevin?

Edited by Canadair

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Did anyone load a campaign and check the aircraft carriers?


I tried playing with the numbers but i didnt have the hm files, so i just deleted the height map entries from the terrains data.ini, it was the only way i could get the planes to stop exploding on the carriers.

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the hm bmps are locating inside the various terrain cats (ie: desert.cat, germanyce.cat, vietnamsea.cat)


So for those pointing to the desert cat (actually it don't matter...all my terrains -in games- point to either germany or vietnam), but if the terrain uses the SF desert tile name set, you'd need the desert hms


say, for isntance, the ASW map, germany cat, aftermarket terrain tiles (polaks or gepards desert beta for example), since it uses the desert cat tile names, you may need to use desert hm bmps. But Canadair's screenies show it working as is.


I can always pull them and post or attach them somewhere


Like Canadair said, taking a quick look at the SoCal, ASW, Lybia (fixed now) all seem to use these radically high numbers. So, it seem a pretty simple fix to tweek the data inis to the "2" value now listed in the patched stock terrrains (germany, vietnam).



kevin stein

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Yeah i dont have SFP1 so i couldn't get the HM files. But since they are all being painted black anyway should i be able to extract them from Germany or Vietnam, paint it black and rename it to match the desert hm file name?


And are aircraft carriers working on these terrains with the 2 setting?

Edited by WarlordATF

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Yeah i dont have SFP1 so i couldn't get the HM files. But since they are all being painted black anyway should i be able to extract them from Germany or Vietnam, paint it black and rename it to match the desert hm file name?


And are aircraft carriers working on these terrains with the 2 setting?


Haven't tried Aircraft carriers yet with 2.0 setting, that is a valid oncern.


Wrench, please answer to this, because I really can't get this. The setting 2.0 and the black hm.bmp have the same effect? As I wrote before 2.0 seems to work, in my install WITHOUT the black hm.bmp.

And if you have a second to post them the blackeend desert hm.bmp set would be really nice thanks, because it would be much easier to drop such files in the folder than editing data file by data files.

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Data inis are still probably gonna need editing. Some of them have some awfully high numbers!!! (75.0000 I've seen on a few; don't know if those are supposed to be cliff, like in Malibu or what -- I think they're in SoCal)


I'll try and get the desert hms out sometime today, probably be late though



kevin stein

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If using another cat pointer, these WILL NOT WORK (actually, these are from Brain32, for Korea)

For the Lybia terrain, and problly several others of mine that use the old desert.cat naming for the terrain tiles, I"ll try and work up a set of them later.



kevin stein


One of the new things in new version is completely renamed tiles , wait just a bit and I'll send you the whole pack again ;-)

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A quick test of the ASW terrain, with the data ini edited to the "2" level, and stock desert hms (UNpainted), germanyce cat and the stock desert tiles (extraced and placed in the ASW folder) gives the same results that Canadair showed. So, consider that fixed.


Now, if we can just retile it to what Texas really looks like...and add some city tiles and stuff. Guess I'll try and learn the cursed thing...SoCal and Libya sure could use it, too....can we mix and match tiles?


Brain: cool! thanks! Hopefully, I won't have to move any target areas...been fighting with an NKPA camp near Kaesong... gotta re-place all the artillery and associtaed bits. What a bummer! :rolleyes:

btw, please chek either Osan or Suwon for exclusion zones. One or the other I forgot to put on the list.



kevin stein

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Haven't tried Aircraft carriers yet with 2.0 setting, that is a valid oncern.

Still haven't tried Carriers very much but they look okei in lybia and OTC

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