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Mig-29 but no missiles?

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I know this has been covered already, but how do you get Soviet Planes to have missiles when you are flying against them, they are always un-armed. I simply forgot where to find the answer, thats all

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The weapon packs change the names (NATO designations to Soviet/Russian) and attachment types (WP to SOVIET) of the Soviet weapons. Thus you might have to edit the loadout.ini (for the names) and the aircraft's data.ini (for the attachment types)

Edited by Gocad

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I swear, by all the gods and goddesses, that ONE day!!! we WILL have the KB set up to make things easy to find for folks!!!

This, I swear on my Honor as a Knight of Realms of the Air!!





kevin stein


ps: there's a TMF weapons pak tweek listing in there too somewhere....

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Yep.....and you have a nice day...[background..hearing footsteps]get'em boys![hearing the sounds of rustling in a straight jacket being applied]It's going tobe okay Wrench...these fell'ers in white are going tobe real nice to ya :mellow: . I let "them" borrow my straight jacket. :blink: :blink: :biggrin:

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