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Aircraft Skins not copying

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I copied over the F-8 and A-4 from WOV to WOE recently, everything works fine except that the stock skins for each aircraft to not work. Is there an editor for this? Or what should I do?


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...You moved them during the installation, or after the installation? There is an option for WoE to copy these aircrafts from WoV.

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After the installation, It never asked me if I wanted to merge them like it was supposed to. Therefore I just moved them to WOE/Objects/Aircraft afterwards.

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Check the folders for files called TextureSet.ini and Decals.ini. If they are missing the textures wont work and you will need to extract them from WOV and put them into WOE.

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You can't just copy the aircraft over...the stock aircraft refer to stuff in the ObjectData.cat file of that particular sim. You have 4 options:


1) Reinstall WOV, then WOE and do a 'merged' install option. Then patch.

2) Extract EVERYTHING needed for your A-4 and F-8 from the ObjectData.cat file for WOV, put them in your A-4 and F-8 directories, then copy the A-4 and F-8 over.

3) Merge the ObjectData.cat files yourself using the cat extractor and compiler.

4) For the F-8, use the Mirage Factory's F-8 instead...you still have to do something about the A-4 though...



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2) Extract EVERYTHING needed for your A-4 and F-8 from the ObjectData.cat file for WOV, put them in your A-4 and F-8 directories, then copy the A-4 and F-8 over.

3) Merge the ObjectData.cat files yourself using the cat extractor and compiler.


FC, the objectdata.cat of WOE already contains all the information from WOV, including all files of the WOV-only stock aircraft. There's no need for extracting everything from WOV or merging the objectcats. in order to copy the WOV aircraft to WOE. All you need to do is really to copy the entire aircraft folder from WOV to WOE and that should work. I know it does, because it works for me. You're right about the MF F-8, though. :wink:


Warthog, which files exactly did you copy over?

Edited by Gocad

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Cant check now - but are the actual skin files in the objectdata.cat in WOE also?


No. Skin and squadron decals are not inside. Otherwise they wouldn't WOV-only aircraft. :wink:

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