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Miramar Airshow

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I can hear 'em arriving for the show!! Lot's more air traffic than usual.

Anyone here going?

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I just got back from waiting for my tennis partner to not show up.


I forgot the Blues do a sort of "We're in town!" show when they get here on Thursday. They fly almost over my house in Linda Vista.


Need to go charge up my camera.


Have some fun at the show.

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Guest 531_Ghost

Okay, with all these SO CAL members, we'll have to do a SO CAL Members BBQ! All in favor?

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One of my cousins' claims that he has hearing damage due to the harrier. don't just blow up your enemies, deafen them as well. :biggrin:

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Blue Angels just departed Miramar, flying over LaJolla where I work.

Anyone make it to the show? Get any pics?

I have one poor shot from my house.

Most exciting part of the day, after watching the Chargers lose to the Dolphins.

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geeze...you guys are making me homesick... :cray: Yeah, I watched parts of that game while at work, bummer. Used to live at the begining of Linda Vista just below USD.

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I was there providing security with my fellow USAF Security Forces members. You folks who went might have seen me. I was posted on the east end of the base, near the Gate-2 area and the carnival rides. If you were there on Sunday, I was out there with the 8 man march down the flightline to where we meet up with the Blue Angels after they had landed to provide security for them while they take autographs. It was a terrific event and an experience that I will never forget. The Marine Corps were also extremely impressed with our peformance in providing security and maintaining order withouth a single incident over the weekend. We had a few situations where folks who were drunk started getting a bit out of line, but nothing major or significant happened.

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