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Now, this =IS= interesting....

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Had this little bee in my bonnet, thinking about this whilst driving home from the E-4-All today...and just had to experiment with it...




These are Spad 13s sitting on desert airfiled 3, at some base in Libya/Egypt, circa 1918.


I made the assumption, that post-patch WoE is now essentially the same as WoI and FE. So I did a copy/paste of the GermanyCE terrain, and then Edward's North Africa terrain (cat-pointed to Germanyce.cat)...and the above pic is the result.


So, we may be seeing the end of the lack of terrains for First Eagles. Of course, I haven't tested this with the VietnamSEA.cat, but in theory any terrain with it's tiles 'internal' to the terrain folder should work, when pointing back to an existing cat. I have also NOT tested this with pointing to the ww1Verdun.cat, but, again in theory...


I know this should probably go in the FE forum, but I just thought EVERYONE should know this, and do their own experimentating


Can you imagine the possibilites now??? Southeast Asia, Middle East (Trans-Jordan, Iraq, etc), Africa...could be something here!!

Of course, a LOT of work will still be required, to 'back-date' some of the terrains to a more turn-of-the-century look; airfield changes, ground objects, etc....but those are pretty simple edits of the targets and types inis. Hmm...wonder of the ETO terrain ... it probably should work....would need frontline adjustments and side-swapping of aerodroms, of course.....hmm.....



kevin stein

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I think you might be on to something Kevin.

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