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Looks like my C130 is sunk. Any ideas how I can fix this?



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The data.ini doesn't match the LOD file would be my first guess.



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Hey even I get that randomly in my campaigns in WOI!Happens even with the An-12.

Edited by Stick

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Weird...never seen that in game except when there was a LOD mismatch (which explains the lack of coloration)...ie the LOD doesn't match anything in the directory (bitmaps, data ini, etc).



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Thanks for the answers.


FastCargo - Well this is one i will have to work on far a while.

I made a copy of the stock C-130 as a static a/c.


Stick - O get the same thing with my Static AN-12.


Will keep all advised.

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Ah ha! You didn't mention that they were static aircraft...I was assuming it was either a player model or a dynamic parking aircraft.



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Sorry about that. Yes this and several other static models are sunk on the airfield. I am rechecking the files to male sure everything is pointing in the right direction.

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Hey even I get that randomly in my campaigns in WOI!Happens even with the An-12.


The ones I've seen in campaign don't seem to be static, as their props are spinning.


Usually when making the last 1 or 2 missions into Beirut, north of the AFB, in the city, is a prop spinning An-12.


Seen a few here an there doing the same in other spots as well.


Go ahead and try to pistol whip `em. They will suck up all your 20 mm, and leave you low on altitude...

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If I ALT-N sometimes Ill find their position has changed from the city to the middle of the ocean where they'll be suspended in the air!

But it isnt such a big issue for me;just like to know what causes it.

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Easiest and simplest way to prevent/stop that, is to remove the aftermarket parked statics, and let the game generate them via the airfield.inis. (with aplologies to cmprnt, for all his hard work on making them)


You'll all forgetting the post-patch game handles terrains MUCH differently than before (if you've been following the dozens of threads about them). On these statics, it's reading the centerpoint waay to high, thereby dropping the parked statics underground. Or, they're on elevators taking them down to the secret underground service centers....



kevin stein

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Now why did you have to let the cat out of the bag about the secret elevators??!!

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Sorry...Dave told me about them. It's where the Alien-ware ships are stored....



kevin stein

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