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Been making a campaign for WOI and I've come across the "RandomTransportType=ANY". What does that mean? If I put C-130 there, does that mean that C-130s will be flying around Israel? Or An-12s over Syria and Lebanon?

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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I'm guessing but i think that refers to the types of transports that are generated as static types on the airfields.

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I'm guessing but i think that refers to the types of transports that are generated as static types on the airfields.



I've noticed that it has been in WOE and WOV, before the Sept. Patch.

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Defines transports that may appear in flight, in campaign missions, not statics.

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Do I use a folder name or the full name for that?

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Do I use a folder name or the full name for that?


Folder name, IIRC.

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Folder name, IIRC.


That's right.


There's also a RandomFACType (check spelling) in the .dll's, but it didn't appear to work in the 08-30-06 patch. haven't tried with the latest.

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It was so, that in a campaign usualy one transport aircraft was circling around. With settingRandomTransportType=NO the plane was gone, with ANY you got it. If you had more transport plane types then the game selected the plane. You had also the chance to state which plane you wanted to see circling RandomTransportType=C-130 or RandomTransportType=AN-2

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