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New Patch Heli issues...

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Dudes, the WOV new patch messed with my helicopters. They´re burried by the middle of fuselage in the tarmac (!) and explode as soon as they start. Does anyone knows a cure for that? :dntknw:

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Lol, turn off the collision, but i also have a prblem with my helo's. The main roter has stopped spining, but the tail roter is working just fine. I have SFG and before the patch it was working fine, god this patch has done more bad than good me thinks :p

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Dudes, the WOV new patch messed with my helicopters. They´re burried by the middle of fuselage in the tarmac (!) and explode as soon as they start. Does anyone knows a cure for that? :dntknw:



Ah, this one I think I know...change the prop diameter to 0.2 and props should work fine again.

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Negative ^^ fixes the non-spinning rotors. There isn't a fix yet (that i know of) for the blow up on runway problem.



Sigh, finally thought I knew something to contribute :wink:

Well, how about the temporary 'fix' - only start in Air for these crafts!?

Edited by atoll1

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There is actually a very simple fix for this helo problem and it's called Sp4 (083006), but some people do not see it.

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I had my UH-1B's blowing up on the runway too. The UH-1H was not. Found the difference in the DATA.ini in the skids section (ie landing gear), the shock travel on the UH-1H was 0.5 and on the UH-1B it was 5. After changing that to 0.5 the UH-1B's just bouce a bit then settle down but dont blow up on a runway start.

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