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Static Aircraft after patch

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Hi my F-4s used to sit nicely in the Q-Sheds now they are not lined up any ideas...heading used to be set at 0....tried various heading ideas advice thanks


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Hi my F-4s used to sit nicely in the Q-Sheds now they are not lined up any ideas...heading used to be set at 0....tried various heading ideas advice thanks

Hi Snakeman, your attached picture looks strangely familar. I guess I'd better have a look myself - looks like your using my statics design. Will let you know if there's a fix.


Regards, comrpnt.

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Hi Snakeman, your attached picture looks strangely familar. I guess I'd better have a look myself - looks like your using my statics design. Will let you know if there's a fix.


Regards, comrpnt.



I do confirm paul, it is actually your static, and it happens with the planes in WOV's missions too , to be at an angle in the Q sheds

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Here's an even better idea....and this is ABSOLUTELY no slight to cmprnt's excellent work...


Plot the center position of the QRA sheds, and add them to ***_airfiled ini, in the parking slots section. Did this for some of the DBS airfields, to get planes in the HAS along the edge.


Now, since the percentages are low, you might need to bump them up a few percent


Extract the airfield inis , and you'll see what mean.



kevin stein

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Hi thanks for the replys. Quick question is there a tool for plotting co-ordinates or will the info be shown in the airfield inis ?

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Hi thanks for the replys. Quick question is there a tool for plotting co-ordinates or will the info be shown in the airfield inis ?

Add the following lines to the file Flight/HUDData.ini






1. Load a mission that places you at the airbase where you want to plot parking positions.

2. Once the mission loads press CTRL+F12 (HUD toggle) - or use an equivalent keypress that is assigned for HUD toggle.

3. Use the camera pan keys (ALT+arrow keys) and zoom keys to move freely around the terrain.

4. The offset position from the origin point of the target area you're in, say the air base's runway centre point, is shown as the value of "Offset" at the bottom of the details in the debug information shown on screen.

5. Where ever the cross is placed, that's the offset you need to use in the targets.ini file, or mission .msn file.

6. One word of warning - if the air field runway heading is NOT zero, then temporarily set this to zero (in the targets.ini file) before recording the offsets you need, otherwise you'll be using skewed values. Reset the heading of the runway to the original value when you're done.


I use this technique all the time to place any object in the game, either on the ground or even in the air. Hope this helps.


Regards, comrpnt.

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comrpnt, thanks for that info. I've been trying to figure coordinates also. This will help tremendously.


On that note, a long time back Deuces had figured out a way to get taxi clearance from the ramp. Has anyone continued on with this?



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Still struggling...this is what I got....




// *** 2 x fully armed F-4Ms on QRA


// QRA Aircraft 1 (nearest runway)



Name=QRA-1 F-4M Static







Position=415380,626900,0 -----this is critical ?


Heading=225 ------- This was set at 0 and worked fine








// QRA Aircraft 2 (furthest from runway)



Name=QRA-2 F-4M Static

















Has the airfield alignment changed ?

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Still struggling...this is what I got....




// *** 2 x fully armed F-4Ms on QRA


// QRA Aircraft 1 (nearest runway)



Name=QRA-1 F-4M Static







Position=415380,626900,0 -----this is critical ?


Heading=225 ------- This was set at 0 and worked fine










Has the airfield alignment changed ?

Hi Snakeman, welcome to my world! The alignment bug with statics has plagued them since their inception. It is caused by the AI for the static being set to "AVOID_GROUND", which is something I've never managed to resolve - as in what causes this to happen. It must be in the game engine somewhere.


From the mission definition extract above "Position=415380,626900,0" is critical as it is the absolute position of the aircraft on the terrain, and has nothing to do with offsets from the centre of the air field. Offsets come into play when you're defining target locations in the _targets.ini file in the Terrain folder. In mission definition files (.msn files) absolute locations on the terrain (i.e. map coordinates) are used only.


BTW, the airfield alignment has not changed, only the way the game perceives the static aircraft.


The heading is the thing that gets screwed up by the AI attempting to turn the aircraft into wind, or at least onto the take off heading of the runway. As it has no means of propelling itself, then the static will just sit there, skewed from the heading you define - such as 0 degrees. One possible fix, which I have not had time to test is to replace the Coefficient values from the original _data.ini for the aircraft in question. It will probably be trial and error. I will have a go this evening if I can find time - so far I've not run anything on my new patched WOV installation or WOE installation so I guess it's time!


What Wrench was alluding to above was to include parking definitions in the air field ini file, in place of or as well as, those already there, but have them on the locations of the QRA sheds. For this you will need the offsets, as these positions are offset from the centre of the air field in the _targets.ini file. Look in the _targets.ini file for an appropriate air field. Then look at the file pointed to by the entry "AirfieldDataFile". You'll need to amend or add to the [Parkingxx] entries for the extra parking positions that also include the QRA sheds.


Then the game itself will use these as population locations for auto-generated statics, and the mission files can be edited to remove the ones I've defined.


So, there are two ways it could go - use the game itself to park aircraft in the QRA sheds by editing the AirfieldDataFile entries...... OR..... I fix the statics I designed and you continue to use the mission files that define statics in the QRA sheds.


Watch this space...I'll see what I can do.


Regards, comrpnt :-)

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