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Pretty sure this shouldn't be happening...

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Was flying Scrapper's Operation Torch campaign, and looking around at allied aircraft that were airborne, when this happened:







Now, you might be saying "It was an airstrike", well I'm pretty sure that five minutes into the mission, with these P-39Ds just getting airborne, that this was no airstrike. So thats off the list. Then I Ctrl+12 and found this:






Is there a way to fix this? Although it is getting funny to watch this happen :crazy: it is also getting annoying. It's Edward's Tunisia terrain BTW.

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all your base are belong to us


Sorry couldn't resist. :lol:

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I had a similar experience after trying to use an campaign made for stwa's Bering Strait terrain with the DBS terrain. Only then I realized that it might have been a good idea to compare the targets files of both terrains to see whether they match or not. Detailsdetailsdetails.... :wink:

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Just a stupid question....


are those Flak units INSIDE the terrain folder???? And NOT in seperate folders in the GO folder???


This used to be a problem with the early versions of the WW2 terrains. We had to create new folders for each, create the new style GO ini (with the objectname=), move all the lods and bmps and tgas into them.


BTW, this never has happened to me.


Another thing to check is the "NationName=" line for the 40mm Flak ... make sure it's set to "Nazi_Germany", and you have the correct WW2 nations ini in the flight folder. Also might want to double check the targets ini for all the airbasses, cross checking with the types ini to make sure the listing are correct and /or just using the generic "AAA" tag


EDIT: looking at the codepiece you posted, one of the other problems on ALL the wW2 terrains is too many squadrons on an airfield. Runway 3 (the small dirt strip) can only handle 1. You'll need to edit them -- ALL of them.


Also, DO NOT USE THE NEW POST PATCH DESERT AIRFIELD INIS!!!! -- they place parked planes on top/insides/next to and in various places where they don't belong. The 'terrain object' statics will all have to be removed or you'll need to revert back to pre-patch airfield ini. Easy enough to do...just use the ones that came with the terrains. REmoving them reqires a little (read: lot more work). There is, howeve a shortcut.

Locate the lods for the varous parked staticks, and rename them by adding a "X" in front ie: "xBeaufighter.LOD".




that creates OTHER problems, as the Game Engine ™ will populate the bases with whatever it wants, irregardless of 'proper' time frame, etc.



kevin stein

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No AAA of any type in the terrain folder. All Nazi AAA are set to Nazi Germany. Nations .INI is correct.


And it isn't using the new patch before anyone asks.


EDIT: looking at the codepiece you posted, one of the other problems on ALL the wW2 terrains is too many squadrons on an airfield. Runway 3 (the small dirt strip) can only handle 1. You'll need to edit them -- ALL of them.


What would I edit them to? Would I edit the campaign's INI to re-locate squadrons or the Targets INI?

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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GOOD for you!!!


Maybe the Italians were surrendering? Had a yen for Yankee pot roast????


Might be a campaign fault...someone lost a battle somewhere, and you base "belong to us now"??????


The North Africa terrain may be going into The Factory for an overhaul...."somebody" asked me if it could be Modernized....

be nice to add more airbases in Greece and Turkey......but it'll need a s**t-load of work, because of airfield placements too close to mountians on Crete......



kevin stein

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Campaign. Scrapper's Operation Torch to be exact. All of these encounters have been then. I haven't tried it with Single Missions.


Might be a campaign fault...someone lost a battle somewhere, and you base "belong to us now"??????


Erm, the Axis has lost all of the battles in that area.

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So I take there really isn't a way to fix this?

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I've left my WWII installs without the Sep patch for now. Works great...........


"all your base are belong to us


Sorry couldn't resist. "


oh you didn't say that.......




(now I have to clean all that coffee off of my monitor......)

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