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I had a wild hair to make a new SEAD plane to take over the aging (and somewhat poorly FMed) EA-6B Prowler for modern SEAD missions.


What do you guys think about this......






An EA-18G Growler, the new EA aircraft coming to the fleet.


I am nearly done. I used Erwin_Hans's FA-18F, gave her a good FM tweak, and made a kick ass VAQ-132 Skin for her. The Pods were an issue for the sidewinder stations, as there is no model for the weird looking pods on the wingtips. I made due with something I found in the game. What you see above is the CAG bird, there are less vibrantly painted normal squad mate planes too.



I will be releasing this under the freeware licensing agreement.

....Erwin_Hans, you build a kick ass FA-18F




Edited by WombRaider

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Nice work Warren! SEAD wont be the same.



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IMHO the whole plane has to be redone anyways, the pylons angled, and redone as they should be. The drop tanks are smaller, maybe a 25% upsize, along with the gear. It's a nice model, but needs some serious retouching... Then it'd be sweeter, and better texture mapping, and the intake needs to be retouched and she'd be really sexy...

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I just went into the holding pattern!Holy Molly!EricJ I'll be tracking these.....WOW!Some modernized 531 skins would fit these also.Gotta learn how to skin too...WOW!Thanks for the pics.....

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I'm trying to get my CS3 working... SidDoggs are nice but I want something more.. personal

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I got GIMP 2 and slowly going thru the tutorials and taking notes.Probably a good month from actual good skin tho.

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I use Paint.net, it is a free version of PS. You can do layered TGAs, it has the magic wand, effects, contrast, everything for free!


What do you guys think of me adding my updated SAMs to the package? I spent a while redoing most of the SAMs, they all work now, even the SA-9 Gaskins, and chaparrals (never seen them fire before today) I had at least 20 SAMS fired at me in one mission. It is truly a deadly battlefield on both sides. They are not totally over exaggerated, and I used real world data for the ranges, and warheads, and seakers. You can still evade them, but it is EXTREMELY hard. It feels like Falcon 4 AF. I get shot down a buttload by SAMs in that game.


Good Hunting


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Well I got my CS3 working, and GIMP? Well... I finally figured out how to do stuff, but an image program shouldn't require tutorials to use. I got Paint.net, but starting the base layer on my bird.


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Well, the new patch did not nerf this project, so be ready for release....





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