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Ive been working on a repaint of the default mirage in WOI using GIMP, been working on it for a few days and have had no problems until finishing the tail and finding that it no longer displays in game. When the tail was WIP I had no problems getting it saved and working nor did I encounter any problems working on the fuselage and have no idea what ive done diferently now.


I have noticed that the current version is in 32 bit wheras the WIP's back ups are 24 however I dont know how to alter this and certainly didnt do it intentionaly, anyone with more experience know what I may have done or how to resolve this?



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Hi Craig


I'm not sure whether your problem is with the skin texture (which should be a bmp file) or with the decals (which should be a 32 bit tga file). If its the latter then try this application.


Open the application (I have it on my desktop), set it to output 32 bit tga files and drag as many files as you need to convert onto the application. I've never changed more than 50 at a time. It converts then to 32 bit files, with 8 bit alpha channel, that the game can actually read. It stops the skin appearing a bright yellow.





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sorry, the problem is with the texture itself. Its been saved as a bmp though somehow went from 24bit to 32 bit and lost some of the detail on panel lines and rivets. I really cant think of anything I've done differently than all the WIP tests.

Made edit, saved replaced in game.... thats it :search:



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Hi Craig,


Just trying to rule out something pretty basic but if you have a pale white tail (i.e. raw LOD lol) then in the 'saving as' process is the file name the same as the old file name?


I use The Gimp myself and love it to bits but when working in layers and then going back to a bmp you need to check the 'flatten the image' circle and click on export and then save (this is from memory).

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32 bits BMP are not supported

You need to open it again with bmp editor and resave it as bmp 24 bits (probably an option to select via the save as.. panel)

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Got it working now, dont know how i did it but I screwed something up in the export process.

Port side is finished starbord side should be ready after another hour or so work.



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