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Seasonal changes in campaign

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A nagging question that's been bothering me for some time,Is there a way that I can edit WOV/WOE to show the correct season to the date and time in campaigns?Assuming it's in terrian editing and the flight sim engine itself can handle it.

The thought is to make 4 GermanyCE or VietnamSEA terrains showing the different seasons and getting the game engine to recognize them in a campaign.Granted that Vietnam differs in winter without the snowfall but,to have a "wetter" looking terrian for the raining season.

Also,since there were aircraft and battlefield that would be affected by compatiblity of changing seasons.Making only missions for all weather aircraft and grounding those that's not compatible.There's Russian,NATO with other nations made aircraft that was made because of the brutal winter or desert climate conditions and would make a great edition TK sims alike.With the latest patch and seeing the visible change in the weather just get you wandering if this is possible.I've seen earlier mods for weather like the heavy snowfall so,why not?

Just thinking out loud for the new Korea terrian and future campaigns too.Korea is a very harsh climate in it's different seasons and changed the way the war was "handled".Love to hear your thoughts,good or bad.


Brady A. Turley III

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Well, different seasons for terrains already exist in the First Eagles sim. They basically require different terrain tiles in subfolders within each terrain folder. There are parameters within the terrain.ini file that determine when each tileset 'shows up'. Certain parts of the code from FE has made it into the WOV/WOE/WOI Sep 08 versions...so to check you've have to setup one of the sims with the proper parameters to see if it works. Actually, the America NorthWest terrain has different tiles for summer and winter, so it could be checked.


Also, as part of the terrain setup in FE, you can change the probabilites for different kinds of weather for the different seasons (ie it's more likely to get inclement weather in winter vs summer).


So to answer your question...it's a definite 'maybe'...but it could be checked. It would be neat to see if it works...but every terrain would need new tiles for each season...which isn't easy to do.


As far as aircraft limitations, I've noticed in the data.ini file, there is a specification for if a aircraft is DAY_OR_NIGHT or DAY_ONLY for the AircraftCapabililty parameter. I'd imagine any campaigns look at that and schedule you accordingly. That can also be easily checked...take a DAY_ONLY aircraft in campaign and see if you fly at night at all.



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That's what I was thinking about how much time and work it would be.And as far as the aircraft's .ini is where the idea 1st occurred.

Don't own FE but,I do own Flyboys flight sim from the movie.And it stays true to the seasons and not to aircraft characteristics of compatibility.So,kinda bummer of money need being spent wisely.But,nonetheless,an interesting idea.

Now,taking the NW or DBS by Major Lee (Uploaded by Doghouse) has most of what's needed for a test campaign to include the changing seasons.Since,the tilesets are already there for winter and summer.I suspect our answer to "what if" could be answered.Just need to investigate the game engine.Then,will move on to weather modding.Could you imagine the Bering Straits at Winter?Attu would be a harsh climate as it was for those B-29 crews back in WWII?

Another thing..input from the real pilots could drive this project also into a major overhaul to include are previous thoughts of how to train correctly.Like landing on deck with adverse conditions at day/night.That's why I think the NW would be a good area or far as that goes SoCalif. terrain to include Miramar,Edwards or Nellis...you get the idea?If my computer will be able to handle it also.Cuba terrain could be reworked for training purposes out of Florida for USMC,USN and USAF.

I know there's alot of work for this novice modder but,I will find a way!Your input is always welcome.

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Edward's original Korea comes with both summer tiles, and a set of winter tiles, as does his EAW WW2 Euro (actually, all 4 seasons for EAW Euro).


One would just need to look at how FE does it. Hopefully, that's been incoporated into the 9/08 patch for WoE/WoV (although it's hard to imagne more than 2 seasons in SEA...dry and wet)


Then, of course, comes the really hard part.....creating new tiles for seasonal changes.


btw...DBS IS winter!



kevin stein

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Yes DBS is winter but,there's a big different in the seasons there.Meaning there's two different terrains for it also.I know,I have them both.

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In Vietnam it is either sunny, hot, and humid as hell or raining enough to float Noahs' ark with clouds over everything.


Look up the monsoon seasons and you'll be good to go.

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That's what I was thinking about how much time and work it would be.And as far as the aircraft's .ini is where the idea 1st occurred.

Don't own FE but,I do own Flyboys flight sim from the movie.And it stays true to the seasons and not to aircraft characteristics of compatibility.So,kinda bummer of money need being spent wisely.But,nonetheless,an interesting idea.

Now,taking the NW or DBS by Major Lee (Uploaded by Doghouse) has most of what's needed for a test campaign to include the changing seasons.Since,the tilesets are already there for winter and summer.I suspect our answer to "what if" could be answered.Just need to investigate the game engine.Then,will move on to weather modding.Could you imagine the Bering Straits at Winter?Attu would be a harsh climate as it was for those B-29 crews back in WWII?

Another thing..input from the real pilots could drive this project also into a major overhaul to include are previous thoughts of how to train correctly.Like landing on deck with adverse conditions at day/night.That's why I think the NW would be a good area or far as that goes SoCalif. terrain to include Miramar,Edwards or Nellis...you get the idea?If my computer will be able to handle it also.Cuba terrain could be reworked for training purposes out of Florida for USMC,USN and USAF.

I know there's alot of work for this novice modder but,I will find a way!Your input is always welcome.


If we could get the sea level issue fixed in the So Cal terrain that alone would be a big improvement, I really like that terrain. The cuba terrain would be great for mid eighties DACM/ Bear intercepts

some new targets added to the map would be a nice touch as well.

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The terrain issues have been discussed to death.... :deadhorse:


Have you looked in the stickies above, one called "Offical Patch Thread" and "Things YOu Need to Update Thread"


YOu'll find the answers therein



kevin stein

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Fixing the sealevel issue in SCal terrain would be relatively straightforward once it is properly set up in TE. . .


for which you would probably need the original terrain texturelist.ini used to create the terrain. Anyone happen to have that lurking around somewhere, as it doesn't appear to be contained in the SCal d/l available here?


It is possible to create a texturelist from scratch in TE with just the tiles, but that will likely substantially alter the characteristics of how the terrain is tiled.



[Oops - my bad for total thread hijack, sorry :blush: ]

Edited by Baltika

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Looking at the wwiCambar.ini, it dosen't look like it'd take too much to create seasons. Provided, of course, that the patch has added it to WoE/WoV/WoI.


I'll put it on my list of things to look at. Easist one to test first would be the ANW series, as we've got all 4 seasons (cue Pachabel music)



kevin stein



EDIT: yes, it does work. I'll get to looking at it AFTER I figure out what's wrong with the Bering Straits US SAMs (I have a good idea). What ANW will also need is a seperate EnvironmentalSystem.ini, that raises the cloud deck up to about 5100 meters (15000 odd feet) to keep them clear of these mountain-top airbases. Plus, a few enhancements to targets, etc, (like finally flattening the various vehicle depots)


As to the fix for SoCal...already covered AND fixed!. It don't need much, just the data ini fixes (listed in various thread around here), and the black painted hm_bmps. Also linked around here somewhere. Check Canadair's thread about terrains, some pages back.


Baltika: the texture list would be the desert one.

Edited by Wrench
yes, it works

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WoW!!! I can't believe how easy that was....




spring thaw. with trees. amazing what just a little renaming can do...


There's some further enhancements I'll be doing (like fixing some airfiled facings, flattening the various depots and such)


The environmentalsystem ini took, literally, less than a minute to create. Unbelievable!!!


"2 Weeks" :rofl:



kevin stein

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WoW!!! I can't believe how easy that was....




spring thaw. with trees. amazing what just a little renaming can do...


There's some further enhancements I'll be doing (like fixing some airfiled facings, flattening the various depots and such)


The environmentalsystem ini took, literally, less than a minute to create. Unbelievable!!!


"2 Weeks" :rofl:



kevin stein


You the man!Wasn't sure if it could come together or not.You made a dream come true for this guy,Wrench.Thank you for your hard work and FC's encouraging words too.Great day!See ya in Two Weeks :rofl:

I'm learning a little slow but,I am learning. :blink::no:

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Cool! It's great to see how some of the how some the code in FE has been helpful in the other TW sims.


Hey, I like the clouds in the mountains...gives a nice 'fog' effect... :biggrin:



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They can always be lowered in environmentalsystem ini. I've got them set to about 41-4200 meters. Since the airfields themselves are at about 6-7000 feet..... interestering to note, I've not seen the altitude difference make any changes in how the aircraft reacts (unlike Real Aircraft ™ ). Or I'm just too dense to notice...


All in one pak...all 4 seasons. It's interesting to see HOW this actually works...any structures are in the main /ANW folder, like the Factory Place, etc; seasonal changes to trees (terobject_trees1.tga) goes in each tile sub-folder. So you can, theroetically, have snow covered trees (as seen in the Winter) or fully green in spring, summer, fall. BTW, I'm just using a generic 'conifer' =pine tree= for all seasons. Excepting I 'borrwed' the snowy ones from DBS for winter



kevin stein

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I don't really see too many reason to add seasons to WOV because,it comes right out of the box just about right.

Because of its geography, the climate in Vietnam varies greatly from north to south. Tropical monsoons occur from May to October in the north and south and from September to January in the centre. It is almost totally dry throughout the rest of the year.

Required Clothing

Loose, natural fabrics all year, but warmer clothing is required in the highlands, and in the winter in north Vietnam. Rainwear is essential during the wet season.

Pretty much a bust on this for WOV although Wrench is making great strides on ANW seasons that was my original idea.Kudos to Wrench because he's way ahead of where most of us would like tobe when it comes to knowledge of game engine.I realize now that i'm over my head.Sorry to have let you all down.

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I realize now that i'm over my head.Sorry to have let you all down.


Don't be silly. :blink:


Keep plugging away at stuff and you'll be surprised what you'll pick up.


I am the dumb poop of the world but even I've learned a few things under the aegis of the great community here.

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Just wanted to give back some.Thanks for your kind words.

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