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Little works on Farmer-D

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first this have nothing in common with new Blackbird's Farmer family,is just a rework on some parts to keep this as placeholder until Blackbird's works will done!

Me and Kevin add some little mods and tweaks to the original Madcaddie/Wrench 17pfu-19pm nose

Kevin delete the guns,I reshape the nose from intake to airbrake,to cut off previous "sawtooth" between fuselage and nose than moved pylons and Alkalis in proper positions as you can see on the pics following:













Skins are kevin's Mig-19 Hi-rez-tweaked by me to remove:


Guns blast deflectors on each side of the fuselage

Guns gas stain and shells ejector holes

Add drDoyo blue style PVO no's

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is this a new canopy? looks good! really like it!


no it's the standard one,maybe works on the belly seems to gave it a more slender appearance!

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Nic work guys :yes:


Pitot is needed to be remove or move on right wing. I exprimented for 76.IAP-Blackbird wit some components remove, and pitot is named Probe in model components. Maybe you know it :wink:

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Hmmm...I can remove the component, but I'm not sure I can reposition it. Unless someone comes up with HOW to move it sideways, we might be stuck with a misplaced pitot tube.


BTW: didn't we have someone who was using "The Pitot Tube Pirate" in the signature??


X: don't forget Ordway's 19P/PM cockpit mod. Might be better than the Fishbed I used on release of this mod




kevin stein

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Ok probe moved and top lip radome enlarged as seen on every photo




problem is move the probe to the right wing!

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Ordways is the standard PM pit since it was released! :good:

Hmmm...I can remove the component, but I'm not sure I can reposition it. Unless someone comes up with HOW to move it sideways, we might be stuck with a misplaced pitot tube.


BTW: didn't we have someone who was using "The Pitot Tube Pirate" in the signature??


X: don't forget Ordway's 19P/PM cockpit mod. Might be better than the Fishbed I used on release of this mod




kevin stein

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W: "don't forget Ordway's 19P/PM cockpit mod."


Interestingly, Erikgen and Team's F-101 cockpit might be good fit for this.

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Interestingly, Erikgen and Team's F-101 cockpit might be good fit for this.


I was thinking along those line meself, but for the Fishpots; Su-9A/B and 11 that have been stuck with an extreamly improper pit for the last 4+ years....as they need the radar display similarly placed in the upper right corner.


Or we/I could annoy Boopidoo again to add a scope to his Su-7 pit (rebuilt from his Su-15 pit!).



kevin stein

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I tried contact Boopi two times with some questions, but looks like he is bussy with RL.

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Foreign PM's


East germans














Specific numbers are needed, now they're only for layout using diifferent decals from various authors


Ok!enough for today!

need a cigarette! :drag:

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Czechoslovak PM nums: http://forum.valka.cz/index.php/f/502307


Correct Czechoslovak decals you can use from my Famous Czechoslovak Migs package: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7324


Stock roundels are not very nice and are not correct too.



But my newest knowledge is use roundels on skin BMP between background and panel lines and rivets etc. You can see panel lines and etc on roundel. It looks more realistic (my friends idea).


WIP Czechsolovak S-105 with 76.IAP-Blackbirds new external model parts shows roundels. I am waiting for mapping those parts. S-105 comming soon :wink::biggrin:


On my last project (S-105) I used Czech roundel from wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Czech_roundel.svg

Edited by kukulino

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I know,give a try with your decals (I must learn well to do it),about PM I've download the Wrench 4plus walkarounds books and there's a bunch of interesting PM's

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I just wanted increase download rate for my Famous Migs pack, hehehe :haha:

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Kukulo perfect roundels and Muesli's no's but if you want to go on individual plane I can use yours!or you can make the right Czech PM no's!



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X Ray, glad you like roundels. If you are talking about those from Famous Mig pack - they are not my own work. I just bit edited them (colour, forgot which :biggrin: ). Roundels were made by my friend blackrat and for first time they were included in Czechoslovak Mig-23MF skin by blackrat: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5711


I made nums for blackrats 23MF skin and little "bat" on Mig canopy sides. Those nums was my first "big" work in paint program :crazy:

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Hi X-Ray,


of course use the numbers, in due time I can provide you with

a proper Farmer-D number set. I have searched a random

set of 8 historically correct numbers, will make the decals for

you and send em when I am ready, okay?!


Cheers mate





PS: really like the work on the MiGs lately!

PPS: a bèta I can test the decals on for me?

Edited by muesli

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"City of Pilsen" 5th FR




Decide to make a package,with different nations and specific noses

This is the Czech update,Blue radome,Kukulo 5fr badge and newest czech 19 Pm specific muesli's numbers

Well this depicts a real plane as seen on the the wrench 4plus profiles!

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I know,price to pay to balance radome and plane colours,same tweak used by wrench on mig-17PFU available here,but I don't see many bright 19 PM's cause many of them were painted over with protective semi-gloss or matt varnish!

C models were more bright!

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