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CoD World at war is OUT!

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Today is the release day!

I'm on the install phase now,so pay attention at what follows!

-previous install the game download the 1.1 patch

-than the game

-finally patch up CoD


The standard,like the MP demo,had several bugs,simply a CTD...it doesn't start!

Or in mp you fall into the "unhandled exception caught" error


Now I'm crossing my fingers and try add the 1.1 patch



I don't know if the NO CD mod comes in the patch

Anyway it's available somewhere cause game requires CD!


I don't know if it is a really improvement after CoD 4!

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I have it - played it - game looks and feels awesome - but very -bloody- too, gore all around. Looks like "unrated" COD2 with superb AAA graphics and gameplay. I like it a lot.

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So how long does it take to finish the entire game? 45 mins?

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So how long does it take to finish the entire game? 45 mins?


Hehe :biggrin:

I didn't finshed it, but my son did. He played 2 days. 4-5 hours each I think, standard for new games - about 8 hours to finish :yes: , BTW...downfall is that Zombie mod, but I can live with it :biggrin:

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This is no Modern Warfare, you can't duck the comparison, so we might as well get that over with straight away. While the game is powerful, the settings dripping with atmosphere and the action non-stop, it's still not the game of the year. That being said, the multiplayer is just as strong, from what I've seen of it so far, as its predecessor and the inclusion of up to four-player campaign co-op is a welcome addition. Also, despite the incongruity of the whole thing, I love the zombie mode.

It's powerful. It's disturbing. But I think it's there for a reason. War is disturbing, and this game makes no bones about the fact that it isn't going to paint over the atrocities. From its History Channel-esque cut scenes, to the plentiful and gruesome deaths thrust in the gamers' faces, World at War seems to be trying to tell us something.

Edited by starfighter2

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I would`t say it`s standart for new games to be played in 8 hours, I enjoyed Homeworld 1 for 8 month until I finished it. bought HW 2 and enjoed it also. Bt those shot em up games are a bit to short. We need something like Half Life 1 It was "THE" game of 1998 and it is still the game. COD is just for fun when you have 5 mins to play and kill some NPC`s. But have to say I enjoed every COD title .... for 50 mins but yeah it wasn`t that bad ;-)

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I would`t say it`s standart for new games to be played in 8 hours, I enjoyed Homeworld 1 for 8 month until I finished it. bought HW 2 and enjoed it also. Bt those shot em up games are a bit to short. We need something like Half Life 1 It was "THE" game of 1998 and it is still the game. COD is just for fun when you have 5 mins to play and kill some NPC`s. But have to say I enjoed every COD title .... for 50 mins but yeah it wasn`t that bad ;-)


I agree with you regarding HL1.........

BTW BB - just wait and see Black Messa complete mod for HL2 > http://www.blackmesasource.com/

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Hey what`s this? is it a Hl2 conersion to Hl1... damn I will have tears in my eyes when it`s true this was the best game I played ... it was great!

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wOw!!!!it's a 2 with the 4 enhnced graphics!awesome game!!!flamethrower is a great add!!!!

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I think the most exciting FPS to be released are Operation Flashpoint 2 and Armed Assault 2!!!


I gues the question is which one of these nemesis rivals will be better??

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I did not know what this zombie mode was when I read this thread so I youtube'd it...


Holy shee-it! That is what ever zombie game ever should have been!


This game was already on my x-mas list, but it just edged its way above Bros In Arms Hell's Highway...

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I did not know what this zombie mode was when I read this thread so I youtube'd it...


Holy shee-it! That is what ever zombie game ever should have been!


This game was already on my x-mas list, but it just edged its way above Bros In Arms Hell's Highway...


Malibu,if you can...buy both!!!!

BIAHH is more funny too!!!!!in both single and multi!!!!!and they're completely different!!!!


3 squads with 3 persons each


every game you'll change squad and weapons


if you're in attack

You'll gone into the tank and can be:



Top MG gunner


in single player headshots,stop motions,are a greater add!!!

Try it!!!!!!

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Excellent game....MP is great...I am in a clan who started on UO...cod4 is really a totally diff game and in its field...brilliant..

cod 5 is fantastic for us clans etc...only bit that is a bad mistake I think is the online profiles....as server was down sunday for 5 hours so no one could get their profiles\settings to go online...I think they need to rethink this and do the profiles as per cod4....on your pc....

If you still want to play cod5 in 10 years time...will they still have the servers holding profiles?...i doubt it...

this is a cock up as far as im concerned...

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Malibu,if you can...buy both!!!!

BIAHH is more funny too!!!!!in both single and multi!!!!!and they're completely different!!!!


3 squads with 3 persons each


every game you'll change squad and weapons


if you're in attack

You'll gone into the tank and can be:



Top MG gunner


in single player headshots,stop motions,are a greater add!!!

Try it!!!!!!


I think I definitely will, it will just depend on when/how much best buy gift cards I get!


However, I did rent CoD5 this weekend. I only had a chance to play through the single player campaign for a few hours, and didn't get to try mulitplayer at all. I wasn't too impressed with single player, hopefully the mulitplayer brings a little more to the table.

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Yeah I guess it might be more for you guys that play multiplayer...

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get level 25 in 2 days-8 hours,the scope on gew-43 is a nice add!like the precision gunsight on the schmeisser!!

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Man....this game is f***in' awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's a carnage!!! nice to pull out the legs , head...or the arms!!!


very real!!

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