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why does my top speed is 500 m/h

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  leoshan said:
my top speed is only 500, and no flame comes out, i dont understand

That is kind of like saying to your crewchief, the jet 'es broke!

You will find wonderful, and for the most part, patient assistance here on these CA forums, but you need to help yourself a little with some more specifics. What game? What aircraft? What external load? What conditions (altitude, etc.)?


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  Jug said:
That is kind of like saying to your crewchief, the jet 'es broke!

You will find wonderful, and for the most part, patient assistance here on these CA forums, but you need to help yourself a little with some more specifics. What game? What aircraft? What external load? What conditions (altitude, etc.)?


Give a little and get a lot.

oh,sorry. its falcon 4.0 AF, its f16, in everymission, i push my power to the top but it does goes like 800 miles per hour, and there is no fire coming out of enginge, i mean flame.

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I'll first have to assume that the 800 mph you refer to is Indicated/Calibrated airspeed.


Depending on your altitude, 800 indicated is actually quite fast and at higher altitudes could be called extremely fast.


My first guess would be that you have some kind of graphical glitch that is not showing your afterburner flame cuz I doubt

that the F-16 could maintain that kind of speed without the afterburner. At high altitude, I am quite certain of it.


More information would be needed for a better answer.

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even an f16 extra loaded cannot reach 800mph.try it on clean configuration to see what is wrong, inis or loadouts.then, for the afterburner effect, go on the ini file and see at he bottom , refered to the engine's script the kindo of effect that uses.then open the effect file of the game and see if it exists.if not, download a new one from the download section, and put the same name in the engine's ini script

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yes, i just researched it, its supposed to be afterburner, but how do you use afterburner in falcon 4.0 AF? thx

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It probably has to do with what you're using for your throttle control. You should go into the controls area where you map buttons and axes and check where the burner detent line is in relation to where your throttle control is. If you see your throttle is going past that line, it should be working.

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i dont understand. if i set my throtle pass the line then i wont even stop if i am using it. is there anything i shout set?

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hey, i got it, i set my control, and it worked, the afterburner, thanks. another question, how do you put your gear down when flameout?

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If the engine is out there is a backup to drop the gear with gravity which is Shift and Ctrl and Alt and G


You need to print out the key map and the manual - there are hundreds of key combos so its not in your best interests to ask for individual keys

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