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A-4L problem

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Ummm....?This suppose to be a A-4L and the "hump" is gone and replaced by this.Any suggestions welcome.Moderate modder.I think it involves the WP 2.5 Beta in which is very nice!Yes,I understand what Beta means.This probably can be fixed by fore mentioned information.

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What happend?


Hump station still set allowedweaponclass=GP


Problem: Hump either not anymore present in weapondata or already set to a jammer

Game engine doesn't find hump and selects next gunpod down the line.


Wrench wasted a lot of time in explaining the A4 Humps and it's fixes in the Knowledge base, so search there for starters.

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Sorry to bother.And for starters,I did look in KB 1st.It didn't fix this problem.It's in the new patch ok.Worked fine with sept.08 patch and I used Wrench's fix then.

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Since this is some kind of gunpod SUU23?? floating over the back of that A4L:


Check the A4L_data.ini for the Hump station and look at it's allowed weapon class

and make sure you have the Hump in the weapons pack you use.

And make sure the weaponclass and attachment types match.



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Yep,and for some odd reason the "hump".bmp is gone out of weapons.So,problem found.Only have 2013 weapons to look thru.thx's for help.Gonna reinstall .bmp file in weapons.

Edited by WDH

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1. Go download the A-4L from C5 site.

2. Drop the A4L.lod and its respective bmp into your aircraft folder (Like your installing a pilot).

3. Overwrite A-4L_Data and A-4L_loadout from my zip into your A-4L folder.


Edited by suhsjake

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Well,I got to work easy enough.Just took the "GP" off in A4L.ini and realized then all I had to do was on the loadout screen is put "empty" where the hump should be.Just out of curiosity,I'm gonna use your info too,suhjake!Thanks for your help. :good:

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It's on page 9 in the Bunyap pak weapons fixes thread.




make sure the Hump section in the data ini looks like this, directly from the A-4L's










AllowedWeaponClass=EP <---these be the important bits


ModelNodeName=A4L <--







I was just flying it last week, in my "all is everything fully patched install, with the bunypak", and had no problems.



kevin stein

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Adding the 'hump' via the weaponspack and pilot method are both outdated.


The weaponspack method is problematic (as you can see).


The pilot method works to an extent...however, it is outdated as of the new patch.


What happens with the new patch is that when your airfields are populated by static aircraft, they have no pilots...which means any parts added as pilots will not show up either.


So, to make your aircraft look right as a static and as flying model, the parts need to be added as ejection seats. But that also means you need to add a pilot. In other words, for every part you want to add, you must add a pilot AND his ejection seat (the seat is the actual part you want to add).


The problem, some aircraft don't have room to add another pilot and hide it somewhere in the body of the aircraft. In addition, it may take a lot of trial and error to find where to put the pilot without him showing up where he shouldn't be.


Solution? Build a 'fake' pilot. I've constructed a simple box .LOD file that is about .1 meter on a side, and is skinned with a completely clear tga file. I'll be uploading it soon.



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Thank you FC...And what you stated about this topic is what I wanted to learn how to do.Stated very clearly about Knowledge Base is being outdated on this particular matter,as well as other subject.Enhancing our knowledge of interest is by questioning.Even though some of us risk getting flamed for doing so.There are those that can't wait to do this and you really need to be "Thicked Skin" while turning a cheek.Granted there are alot more folks that do take a likening to wanting to "fix the details" and will help you.On that hand,I personally thank you for your time.


BTW,got A-4L "hump" back but,you still have to leave the loadout screen (1st avail slot) empty.But,static aircraft A-4L still has that problem,no hump.So,I'm into detail and it's my sim to mod."I" alone bought this and it's "my" ideas that will be incorporated as seen fit.If this offends you,ask yourself why?

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So, to make your aircraft look right as a static and as flying model, the parts need to be added as ejection seats. But that also means you need to add a pilot. In other words, for every part you want to add, you must add a pilot AND his ejection seat (the seat is the actual part you want to add).


The problem, some aircraft don't have room to add another pilot and hide it somewhere in the body of the aircraft. In addition, it may take a lot of trial and error to find where to put the pilot without him showing up where he shouldn't be.


How hard can that be? With the Scooter, you just place the 2nd pilot about where the toplight goes, dropped down about .5 meters. This'll put him about where the engine compressor section would be, buried in the fueselage.

The 'new' ejection seat would have the same mounting position as the A-4L.LOD. Which should, hopefully, place it exactly where it went before.


So, bascially something like this maybe??












Of course, this is ALL off the top of my head; I'll have to try and find some time to test this.

Another thought occurs...if the aircraft is damaged, wouldn't the hump get jettisoned along with the canopy when the 'pilot' exits (yes, if you watch, the canopys DO come off, but ejected pilot in his chute is ever seen)


The other alternative, of course is to NOT use the A-4E(L) and A-4L as they are based on the A-4E, and just reskin using the A-4F lod/skin maps. Thereby eliminating the hump and it's bmps once and for all. The markings on the hump, for VC-13 could be done up a decals. You'd still call them A-4E(L) and A-4L, but they'd be using the newer F lod.

The only thing I don't know is where exactly the hump is mapped to on the skin bmps.


Just some thoughts...



kevin stein

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Well, you're right about parts disappearing if you 'eject'...but considering that parts are usually coming off your aircraft anyway...


Also, I thought that a decal on an already 'humped' version of the A-4 would be a nice idea, I'm just not the person to do it. I have to admit, that would solve a lot of problems. I tried finding where the hump is mapped just eyeballing it, but wasn't successful.



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Paul Nortess would be the guy to ask...or, if he's got some A-4F skins -- CHEAT!!!! I think it's on the fueslage bump, but would have to check. Finding the node name would be a bit more difficult, without the OUT file, but that's what hex editors are for :wink:


EDIT: upper left corner of the body bmp = I cheated and looked at Pauls VA-205 skin. Also, the other bmps are mapped slightly different, so a new skin WOULD be required for "The Saints"


I"ll put it on my list :biggrin: .... lets see..that make 273 items, not inculding painting the F-103 drop tanks!!! (which I keep forgetting to do!!)


Might have to make new templates, as I've never seen 3rdWire one for the F Scooter....which is ok, as I can expand them to 1024x

You all know how I just love redrawing panel and rivet lines.... :rofl::crazy:



kevin stein


EDIT: the right and left wings and nose appear identical to the A-4E; so it's only body and tail bmps that need redoing. Just thought I'd let you all know...

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This is the result of about an hours work...





there are significant differences between the L and F model. Basically, the Ls were just Cs with the hump bolted on. Which means a shorter nose and the straight refueling probe

As you can see, the nose of the F is longer, and has the late model 'bent' probe.


and I"ll have to dial in the SAINTS decal just mite...but that easy.


I say we leave it as is, unless there is a majority of people (6 or 7 dozen) that really want it. Personally, I've never had a problem -pre or post patch- with the humps showing up as long as my fixes are followed. The game engine will always think it's a jammer pod, and load it.


Up to you all!



kevin stein

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