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Any Andre Rieu fans here?

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I know I'm going to sound like an old fart (:tongue:) asking this, but I'm curious if anyone here is a fan of or has seen an Andre Rieu performance here. My Dad's a big fan, so I threw down some hard earned loot for tickets to his performance here in Adelaide on Tuesday night and then lied to him about how much it had cost (because he'd freak out a bit if he found out exactly how much!) and went along with him. It absolutely kicked ass! My Dad's only just started dialysis in the past few months and his kidneys are pretty awful and I figured this would lift his spirits a bit because he's been a bit bummed since starting it. He wore a grin from ear to ear most of the night, me too in fact. Normally, my musical tastes are usually entrenched in the '180 beats per min/glowstick waving' end of the spectrum, but it was a fantastic performance! So, yeah... has anyone here seen this guy play? If not, check him out!

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Andre????? The Dutch one (If there would be others)?????

The one who can make any tune a classical one?????

He makes me laugh!

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My wife is a fan. I watched a concert on DVD, I think it was in Belgium, that was pretty darn good. The man is definately talented.

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Funny I just uploaded a bunch of his stuff to my mp3 player.I'm a recent fan but have enjoyed what I have heard.

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I would not say that i'm a fan, but he brings classic music to the people where the old fashioned Opra establishment failed. He makes money with selling fun and good emotions and for the opra we must pay a lot of tax money and get back a lot of rubbish from egocentric fools.


I think Rieu is worth the money.

Edited by Gepard

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