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What determines the take off Roll of the Aircraft in the FM..and what do you have to play around with to get it to lift of faster ???

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mass and thrust im guessing???

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guessing mind you, but looking at data ini there's also "Rolling Radius" and "Rolling Coefficient"



kevin stien

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change the rolling coefficient

here's the number:

"RollingCoefficient=0.03;was 0.10 ;was 0.01"

i use to keep the f-111f from creeping @60000 lbs in full blower per the -1

as u can see the larger number seems to give the wheels more friction vice a smaller # should yield less friction force

let me know if this works for u

changing the thrust to a larger # or reducing the empty or maybe the moments of inertia will probably work but reduces the fidelity of the FM



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What determines the take off Roll of the Aircraft in the FM..and what do you have to play around with to get it to lift of faster ???


Well, proper calculation of the Cla & CL0 values for the main wings and stabs, for starters. Use Kreelin's Aeroconvert to do that. PM me if you need a hand.

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"rolling radius" I think affects the radius of the tires...you have to tell the game engine how big the tires are since it really does not "see" the tires per se (again I am no expert, but have adjusted this factor sometimes to fix "sinking").


"rolling coefficient" affects the drag induced by the rubber (tyres for you Brits) in the game engine...so a B-52 or C-5 would have a significantly higher rolling coefficient than say an F-16 (again I did not code the game, just noticing what happens when you change it and why that would be).


I agree with Fubar (dont tell him though) and the factors that make the "real" V1 in a real airplane contribute in the game engine, which would be chiefly drag/lift ratios...again remember though (before anybody with an aerospace degree chimes in, I wanted to keep the answer less than a few pages) that TK calls this a "game", it is not "X-Plane"...he is certainly more than talented enough to make the code do whatever he wants, but then you quickly get into "feature creep" which is exactly why PC gaming is dwindling faster than my IRAs...

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