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spitfire ace

model plane windows

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Im a young moddler and dont know many techneques mind the spelling.I was wandering,how do you get lines so perfect on the window frame?

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Im a young moddler and dont know many techneques mind the spelling.I was wandering,how do you get lines so perfect on the window frame?


with great skill and difficulty!

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Im a young moddler and dont know many techneques mind the spelling.I was wandering,how do you get lines so perfect on the window frame?


Masking them works best. Eduard makes some vinyl masks for specific kits, but I use a yellow tape from Tamiya that is great. It's low tack, so it doesnt leave a residue on the plastic. I cut it around the frames leaving them exposed, with a brand new knife blade.


Hope it helps.

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does it come with all tamiya kits because i have a tamiya spitfire mk1 with no tape.




Nope. you will have to buy it seperatly. but it is worth the money

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