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Good work with the BRDM serie.

Only one thing is disappointing.... the colours...Too much vivid.

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Thanks for all the BRDMs.


"Now I'm modeling the IS-3"


thats great news.any chance you have the T-10 on your list of tanks?

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THAT'S always good news!!!

A Toyota Hi-Lux with an MG in the back would be nice too!!! :wink:


Any plans for some buildings?? We've needed the TAB-V hardened shelters since like, forever!!!



kevin stein

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I agree on the Hilux, that would be a GREAT addition!

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Make the nose/bumper flatter and more square, and the sides flat (no wheel well flaring), and that's good to go!


I was thinking, too, if you have skin templates for your vehicles, release them as well. Some enterprising soul will not doubt give us all kinds of differnt skins! (desert, jungle, urban, whatever)


and thanks!


kevin stein

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The T-10 ok.

On the Toyota, only I have the blueprint of the 2007 model, is it valid?.



After the T-10 I like to make the M51 Supersherman Israeli and ASU-85.


Sure it's valid, as the locals here use whatever is available too. Iraq too.


And overall a vehicle is easier than a jet plane anyways, so it's all good. Guess I gotta add that to my list of things to do. But overall Russian is olive drab or I think... Forest Green.

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