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Looking good man, I have my reservations about GIMP, but hey... it's all good :good:

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Here are some pics of an IIRAF F-5F:




Note that the aft fuselage/burner can section is from another aircraft. Nice touch.





Great work from all of you guys on this F-5F. Especially FC. Looking forward to the family model.



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Looking good man, I have my reservations about GIMP, but hey... it's all good :good:


I did too for awhile but,learned how to place decals EARLY this morning!So,maybe there's something I can do in the near future.Thanks!



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Also WDH, try Paint.net...it works pretty well, and with a plugin, will work with PSD (Adobe Photoshop) files.


I know a few people here who swear by it.



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I was just reading some affidavits on that.MS Photoshop,That really looks like that's what I want too!Now,which arm or leg isn't being used? Maybe,the wife will get for xmas.But,have paint.net too.Just forgot I had it.Thanks FC.

Edited by WDH

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Tried a more "worn" look based off a picture I got off of Airliners.net:








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Figured more is better, and it's looking alot better...




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Thanks! more work...






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post-16817-1228846930_thumb.jpg post-16817-1228847208_thumb.jpg




Working this scheme and then some.And working.........



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Looking good man :good:


More work..



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I thought F-5s were one seat and T-38s were 2 seat. How can you have a 2 seat F-5?

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I thought F-5s were one seat and T-38s were 2 seat. How can you have a 2 seat F-5?


Have you ever watched the movie "Top Gun"?On the movie version the so-called "MiG-28" in black scheme is the "Saints" in the Navy Top Gun school.There's several shots in the movie using F-5Fs' as this aircraft.F-5B's and T-38's are similar to each other.But,to call a F-5F Tiger II a T-38 Talon shows me that you need to check out wiki and read fact sheets to compare the variants.That will get you up to date on your favorite aircraft and any other thing your curious about.



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It seems I stand corrected. I just didn't know much about the F-5. So why does such a small aircraft have a two seat combat variant? Do they really need a weapons officer?

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The idea of the 2-seat F-5s was more of a combat trainer with an instructor in the back seat as opposed to a WSO.


IIRC, the early and late F-5 Series included 2 seaters as combat trainers.


Early models F-5A singleton and F-5B dual seat. Except for the 20mm cannons, The F-5B had the same combat capabilty (same structure, pylons, etc.) as the F-5A. The Canadian forces used the F-5B as their advanced jet trainer / tactical fighter lead-in platform.


Later F-5E single / F-5F dual. A similar story as the F-5A/F-5B, but the F-5F had the F-5E's radar and a single 20mm cannon in addition to the pylons, etc.





Edited by Rangerdog

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Thanks sugarblues. Anybody got some shots of the airbrakes? I'm getting the feeling that I'm almost good to go with the outside but then again not sure...

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So if they were advanced trainers then what is their reason for existence? The T-38 came first. It seems a little redundant to me.

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So if they were advanced trainers then what is their reason for existence? The T-38 came first. It seems a little redundant to me.


A2G gunnery training along with A2A gun training and T-38 training consist with basic ACM.Live rounds and missiles plus radar familiarization is the differences.





How do I lower the Glossy look to more of a flat paint look?



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So if they were advanced trainers then what is their reason for existence? The T-38 came first. It seems a little redundant to me.


For the same reason there are two seat versions of the F-16, F-15, F-18, Rafale, Eurofighter, etc. They are mainly designed for initial basic qual in the aircraft.


The T-38 is an advanced flight trainer, to transition to higher speeds and fighter type operations. It does not however, train you for a specific aircraft...it carries no armament except for the AT-38B, which can carry a small gunpod or SUU-20 rocket pod/practice bomb rack.


That is the difference.



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Got some corrections from FC, but right now... computer isn't wanting to work, so we'll see if I can't get it working again..

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Having a delay with my comp. Seems a virus got a hold of it (can't update AV like I want to) so I had to restore my comp. Thankfully I backed all my stuff up, so getting that sorted out, and start fixing the errors that FC pointed out.

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(can't update AV like I want to) so I had to restore my comp.


Damn i have the same problem since 1week...


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Yeah so there's obviously something running around. I'll have to download WOI again as the restore thoughtfully didn't include the .exe and System files... so yeah.. it's going to be delayed for a minute until I get it worky again.

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