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More aircraft but own loadout in missions

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More aircraft but own loadout in missions HOW TO ?


Example: I choosed SINGLEMISSION / Tu-95 -RECON, and windman change the airplane to SU-27...

Then in LOADOUT the SU-27 can use ONLY the first aircraft type's ( Tu-95) weapon, but I would like to use own LOADOUT...

OK, I know this in each Squadron...


Somebody know how to modding this ?



Edited by vulkan

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I would make Bear compatible with Flanker weapons, enter SAHM,AHM and IRM in bombbay , DATAini. I made it with ARMs

for the Aadvrak in order to fly along with Wild Weasels in deep strikes, but you still have to arm them mannually in loadout screen.


EDIT: It´s harder to get drop tanks, would require an specific weapon station to be available with these drop tanks. I suggest you make that only for

aircraft that you use to fly together

Edited by macelena

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Hang on a second here, how do you fly a TU-95 but select an SU-27 as your wingman. Am I missing something here? Is this a mod I do not know about? this makes no sense to me .... can anyone shed some light on this?

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Since Day 1, is SF, you've been able to select differing aircraft for wingmates from what you select on the main screen.


Over on the left side of the loadout screen, there's a couple of drop downs. One of them is for aircraft selection.


However, if you choose a different aircraft, it won't have a loadout. You'll have to add all weapons manually.



kevin stein


ps: moving this thread to the Mods forum

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Also, selecting a wingman who is using a different type aircraft from you is only available in computer generated single missions...it is not available in campaign mode.


At least, I'm pretty sure it isn't available...



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Since Day 1, is SF, you've been able to select differing aircraft for wingmates from what you select on the main screen.


Over on the left side of the loadout screen, there's a couple of drop downs. One of them is for aircraft selection.


However, if you choose a different aircraft, it won't have a loadout. You'll have to add all weapons manually.



kevin stein


ps: moving this thread to the Mods forum


Hey thanks Wrench,


For some reason I have totally overlooked that dropdown until now( puts on dunce cap and faces corner of room), this is a really good tool for problem solving. Flying strike and need an escort... no problem, select and arm flight 2 accordingly. want to bring a couple of f-4G's allong to take care of the SAM sites... no problem.

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