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Guest pfunkmusik

Hinch Got Me Thinking

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Guest pfunkmusik

About a World War II theatre...


I've heard the new patch kinda screwed up prop-driven flight models. True?



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From what I think I may have possibly heard, PATCH makes for better for props, but all the old props are dead until updated.


Or something like that. But I may be wrong, not sure.

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From what I think I may have possibly heard, PATCH makes for better for props, but all the old props are dead until updated.


Or something like that. But I may be wrong, not sure.


thats prety much spot on.

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Tried the Me109E3(BTW great work russo!) and SpitMk1 yesterday, they didn't do bad at all. Actually they flew very believable

Edited by Brain32

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I've flown WWII planes since the patch came out and i like it. Performance is pretty close and the aircraft are flyable but i think the area that needs work is the stall data.


If we could update the Stall Data in the AIRCRAFTOBJECT.INI i think we could fix WWII aircraft without having to add stall data to each aircraft.



//default post-stall data for modern airfoil, for old aircraft data.ini files without stall data
















If anyone understands how this data works, do you think it could be changed for WWII prop fighters?


It wouldn't have to be perfect, we can always re-write it when TK Releases the WOI Expansion with the Mustang.

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Or you can try talking to Wrench, he is kind of THE WWII guy around.

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"Hinch Got Me Thinking"


There's your problem right there. The day I get anyone thinking is a strange day indeed! :rolleyes:

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