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F-35 AI drivers all drunk?

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Just got around to checking out the newest (V1.7) version of the newest, grooviest USAF jet IRL, the F-35 by Klavs81.


I have no problem-o rolling out, hitting the sky, and whacking baddies with it, but when I hit the F6 key to see how tight my wingie is, I see him wandering

aimlessly in the grass like a unicorn or something.


His nose wheel is pointing in the correct directions, and seems to be on the ground, sorta, but he and the others are just doota-dooting around, trying to get the

nose pointed in the right direction, and failing miserably.


Anyone else see this? Bad CG? I've putzed with a few settings to no effect. FM's skeer me. Help?


I kinda like backup when the baddies are about...



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Well, you know them Chair Force guys better than I would....


Since I haven't installed it yet (I know, I'm gonna get flammed...), what's the maxsteering angle for the nose gear? Is it a positive or negative number? In post patch, the negative numbers are causing outbreaks of "Driving Miss Daisy Disease"


Guess I'll have to unzip mine, and install it. (damn, that sounds dirty! :wink: )



kevin stein

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I've been getting the same problem meself. First I thought it was just me... but no, it's becoming apparent the AI needs more tweaking...

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Someone better start giving the pilots blood tests before they fly, lol

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Yep,pulled them over and started ticket writing party!Wouldn't believe what the 2nd flight leader was wearing!


JFL's,"Off-i-sir,they filled my thank (gas tank) full of helium!"Don't laugh to hard,I actually heard this excuse before.So,I asked them to sing me a song just for the meanness of it.He sang Long Arm of the Law.Keep'em busy while we prepped the cruiser for transport.The fellas back at the station couldn't keep their posture after they seen the video.

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I LOL'd here at work at that 1st line, ya weasel drivin' hill-billy, you!


Unsure about the maxsteering setting, as that is at home on the game rig. I knew I should have copied it over to the server before leaving for work so I could

run LogMeIn, but was running late.


IIRC, it was 60, and the NWS lines did not show a negative number at all.


Will check when I get home. I did change something about castor from true to false, as casters are unsteerable IRL, but that did not help...

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Yea, I noticed it too. I'm not sure what's the issue. The jet's look like they're 'plowing' in the turns.


Idle thrust a bit much maybe? Or rolling resistance a bit too low?



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