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A Terrain Editor question to those that might know...

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Has anyone tried going OVER 100% in size on map??? Say, doubling the 63% difference between a KM and mile?

Say, like giong 126%???


I ask this to see if, well, anyone knows, and if this MIGHT readjust the scaling differences in the terrain objects, since runways DO seem larger than they should in real life, along with many other items...




kevin stein

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Can anyone help!Wrench really needs some advice.

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Well nobody tried lol


No not a one! :biggrin:

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hmm... can't see why not; at the very least you can resize the height field (exported .bmp) and reimport it.


You would loose alot of height detail though.

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Well, actually, the data points are still going to be at 250 intervals, no matter what you do. The TE doesn't know/care about any resemblance to actual real-world terrain; it's just data points. Obviously you will lose detail and accuracy if you go "off-scale". You can always adjust vertical scale to get back any lost height, which is what you do any way because of the 250-meter resolution.... You could always crash the map at 125 meter resoultion, resize and re-import the bmp...

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My first attempts to make 100% terrains were to double the terrain via hexedit. There was only on or two digits in the first row to change. Then you had the bigger terrain, but the old tiling. What means, that a tiles now covered 4x4 km instead 2x2 km.


One example of the differences are the lines below:


B0 04 00 00 B0 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 7F 40 Header of my DRV terrain


B0 04 00 00 B0 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 8F 40 Header of a large DRV terrain



You see the only difference is 8F instead 7F

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Much easier to crash a very large map, export the BMP, resize and rework, then re-import with adjusted height % field...

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So, basically what it come down to is...


NO, we're stuck with the scale issues


Well, at lest we know.


thanks guys!



kevin stein


ps to Major Lee: Ken, I hope you like the 4 Seasons ANW!!

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Correct, in-game scale is what it is... Objects will stay the same size regardless of the accuracy of the map to R/L/. As for the highly unauthorized mods to ANW and DBS, they are highly approved and recommended!!! :rockon:

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Glad to hear you around Major Lee.Doghouse,ViperBAT32,Creature and myself loves to fly DBS in MP!Thanks for the terrains!



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