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I was just wondering, is there a vietnam terrain available for strike fighters, ive looked on this site to see if there is but i cant find it.

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As a matter of fact, there is. It is very well put together, too. It's found on the Thirdwire website under "store". It will cost you $19.00, but it is well worth it, as there is a whole game included, called "Wings over Vietman" or something. :tongue:


Perhaps Santa will float you a twenty and you can be the proud owner of another excelent TW game.

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  Rambler 1-1 said:
As a matter of fact, there is. It is very well put together, too. It's found on the Thirdwire website under "store". It will cost you $19.00, but it is well worth it, as there is a whole game included, called "Wings over Vietman" or something. :tongue:


Perhaps Santa will float you a twenty and you can be the proud owner of another excelent TW game.



Haha thats funny lol, To be honest i wouldnt mind getting that game, thats the one where you can take of from carriers right? Ive been looking for it in shops to see if i can get it, but all i can find is strike fighters gold...and ive already got that :biggrin:

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IIRC, there are 2 older terrains (which means they'll probably need some minor updating)


DRV by Gepard, and


SEA by Killerbee


both were built for SF


Don't suppose you've already looked in the local downloads section?


DRV (and an upgrade pack) are both on page 11 of the SF/Wo*/FE Terrains/Mods Terrains


SEA may still be at avsim.com, but totally not sure


But seriously, if you got 20 bucks you don't need, ya can't go wrong buying WoV from TK's site.



kevin stein

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  Wrench said:
IIRC, there are 2 older terrains (which means they'll probably need some minor updating)


DRV by Gepard, and


SEA by Killerbee


both were built for SF


Don't suppose you've already looked in the local downloads section?


DRV (and an upgrade pack) are both on page 11 of the SF/Wo*/FE Terrains/Mods Terrains


SEA may still be at avsim.com, but totally not sure


But seriously, if you got 20 bucks you don't need, ya can't go wrong buying WoV from TK's site.



kevin stein



Cheers, i didnt realise the DRV one was for vietnam, i thoughtit was something random. But thanks for the help guys

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  Gepard said:
DRV = Democratic Republic of Vietnam


Ohhhhhhhhh :good:

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hey, I didn't even know that there was a freeware Vietnam terrain! To the downloads section, awayyyy!

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In the KB, you'll find this handy-dandy thread (albeit not fully updated), but nonetheless, a fairly complete listing of "What's Available"




terrains/ground objects should be the 3rd or 4th post down


One of the Great Secrets, hiding in plane sight..



kevin stein

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  Rambler 1-1 said:
hey, I didn't even know that there was a freeware Vietnam terrain! To the downloads section, awayyyy!



There's a freeware Germany too! Also done by Gepard I think.

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well, I just attacked Hanoi in a thid via thud ridge, and I have to say that Gepard did a very nice job with Vietnam.

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