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Hi All,


Has anybody managed to add a carrier station to the Iran/Iraq map ? I've got all my carriers showing up okay, but my aircraft are blowing up on the deck as soon as the mission opens... Any tips or ideas to try would be appreciated. I'm running a fully-patched version of SFP1... Carrier Ops are working in all the other terrains I've got installed - it's only the Iran/Iraq one where I just can't get things going. Landing is okay, but I miss my cat shots!



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...I wonder if this has anything to do with the problem we had that surfaced with the October patch where carrier ops stopped working ? I've added Gonzo station in the Persian Gulf with the USN going against the IRIAF. I for some reason was forced to make the USN the enemy side to get the squadrons to work out on the correct sides, if I set USN as friendly nothing worked. Once I switched, at least all the objects show up properly, the only issue is that my aircraft explode on the carrier deck upon opening a mission. Any help at all would be appreciated!



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Don't know if this is relevant, but I think Iran is set as the FRIENDLY nation on the IranIraq map, and Iraq is the ENEMY. So if you've got the USN going up against the IRIAF then that would be blue on blue and the game may throw a fit.

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I added them in and have a couple of campaigns modified to fly Hornets and Tomcats and such.


haven't tried them since the patch - I'll check it out in the next couple of days.

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Thanks guys...


AllenJB: Yup - Iran was in the map as friendly, so I took the easy way out instead of manually changing every entry in the terrain files... Everything is working perfectly - too perfectly as I keep getting whacked by swarms of IRIAF F-5E's (that's embarrassing!). Only issue, is I can't take off from the boats. Landing works well, just take offs...


I'll keep messing around,



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It Sounds like a HeightMapScale issue to me.


Look into your Iran/IraqData.ini and scroll down to where it points out the texture files. You need to change the HeightMapScale to 2.0 or under. I found that almost all of the older scenery had a value of 75.0. I changed them to 2.0, and no more exploding carrier ops! Keep scrolling down, and change EVERY entry you see to that number, there will be quite a few.


Example below






HeightMapScale=2.000000 <--- IRAN/IRAQ is set to 75.0





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Thanks to you again Wombraider, your fix did the trick, and now I can happily get myself shot off of the pointy end of flattops again!


All the best,



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