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Flare and Chaff Dispensers on F-4's

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Hey all, I'm creating "late" model F-4's for the later campaign in WOE. I read that F-4E's may have gotten the dispensers around '73 or '74.


Is this accurate? Would the F's and M's have them as well? Around the same time?



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F-4F have them.

but only after the peace-rhine upgrade.

they are located in the underwing (inner) pylons.

same with the upgradet German (Turkey & Greece) RF-4E´s

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Soulfreak is right. The Chaff/Flare Buckets location is in the Aft section of the inner Pylons. These are the USAF/NATO variants only.




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The F-4G can carry ALE-40 chaff/flare pods the latter on the MAU12 pylons.



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the ALE-40 dispenser set was available in 1975 at the very earliest date (still under development then).. more widespread use was in 1977/78 with USAFE units getting them first.

Edited by Crusader

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the ALE-40 dispenser set was available in 1975 at the very earliest date (still under development then).. more widespread use was in 1977/78 with USAFE units getting them first.


OK, so the E's will get them around that time. What about the F and M? Would they have had them by 1979, or would they have come later?

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GAF F-4F got them with the Peace Rhine upgrade which was going on from 1980 to '82 IIRC

UK F-4M ... I think the Brits refitted their kites after the Falklands War due to some "lessons learned" which will put the date to 1982 onwards. Same dispenser system as on F-4E and F


That system consisted of 4 dispensers, one each side on the rear of the inboard pylons.

They could hold

30 chaff each for a otal of 120 chaff cartridges

15 flares on the outboard mounted dispenser on each side or 2x 15 = 30 total flares, those 2 dispensers weremounted with some down ward deflection due to some clearance reasons ( no flares on the inboard mounted dispenser )


All that means that a normal CM configuration during the 80's was 60 chaff and 30 flares

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GAF F-4F got them with the Peace Rhine upgrade which was going on from 1980 to '82 IIRC

UK F-4M ... I think the Brits refitted their kites after the Falklands War due to some "lessons learned" which will put the date to 1982 onwards. Same dispenser system as on F-4E and F


That system consisted of 4 dispensers, one each side on the rear of the inboard pylons.

They could hold

30 chaff each for a otal of 120 chaff cartridges

15 flares on the outboard mounted dispenser on each side or 2x 15 = 30 total flares, those 2 dispensers weremounted with some down ward deflection due to some clearance reasons ( no flares on the inboard mounted dispenser )


All that means that a normal CM configuration during the 80's was 60 chaff and 30 flares



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