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Fishpot Series Cockpit & Ini Upgrade Pak

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Fishpot Series Cockpit & Ini Upgrade Pak

Cockpit Upgrade for Pako's Fishpots (Su-9A, Su-9B, Su-11) For SF/WoV/WoE/WoI


This semi-inclusive package contains cockpit upgrades and many ini tweeks for the following Sukhoi Fishpots aircraft made by Pasko:






It is desinged for use in a post 9/08 or 10/08 game install. These mods should work just as well in a non-patched version, but this has NOT been tested. There may be issues with how the shadows are generated, so the inis supplied here use the OLD style of generating shadows ie: using the ***.shd file that came with the aircraft when released. There MAY still be issues, even with that, so shadows are 'user optional', albeit activated.


Included in the package are complete cockpit folders for all 3 aircraft. (since I'm kinda paranoid about someone =NOT= being able to figure out the same cockpit folder goes in all of them....this removes that possibility). They're the SAME pit all around; I know this increases the download size, but....

The cockpits are Ordway's radar equipped MiG pits, with various very small tweeks (mostly in the metricizing of readouts). They are not perfect matches for the Fishpots, but they're "close enough for gaming purposes". A closer, more accurate pit would be a single engined version of Boopidoo's Su-15 Flagon, but we've been unable to create one.

:IMPORTANT: there is an 'aimpoint' issue with the gunpods used on the Su-11. Please see the reference jpg I've enclosed for the 'visual adjustments' you'll need to make when using these gunpods. More info the "Notes and Other Nonsensical Ramblings Section" below.


Data and Loadout ini tweeks return to the "WP,SOVIET" attachment types, to allow for useage in any Weapons Pak, or none. HOWEVER -- the weapons will still need to be added to your stock WeaponsData.ini (for those NOT using the BunyPak ), or to the TMF Pak. The weapons themselves ARE included, in the new 'seperate folder' format pioneered by The Mirage Factory. This will create a cleaner, more readily accessable /Weapons folder without all them hundreds of loose files floating around.

The naming conventions for the air-to-air missiles has been returned BACK to the stock method (ie: as used by 3rd Wires stock weaponsdata ini, and the TMF's WepPak. Meaning: NATO codes are used for the name; R-3S is the AA-2 Atoll, etc). For those folks still using the Bunyap Pak, and it's naming conventions, loadout inis specifically designed for them are included. They are named "bunypak_***.Loadout.ini, and retain the Soviet naming conventions for the missiles.

Users of other Weapons Paks will have to make the same adjustments; it's a simple text edit in any case.

Mission statements have also been amended, to ONLY Intercept and CAP; these ARE interceptor aircraft, more designed for a 'point defence' type of mission, and do not have any ground attack capabilites.


Where information has been available, or based on 'best guesses' in looking at the aircraft, landing lights have been added, and the running lights upgraded. The Flight Models have not been touched, so be advised in the post patch world of possible handeling issues.


A new, repainted "body.bmp'', with new panel lines and etc, have been included as well. New decals ini for all the Fishpots have been included as well. These have been edited to make use of the new, post-patch Blue Bort numbers. Agaim. more info is available in the "Notes and Other Nosensical Ramblings Section" below.


Also included are the MiG RWR sounds (just in case you don't have them), and a couple of engine wavs. NEW damage tgas are included.


Obviously, you'll need all these birds to install this package too. They're available at Column5's site, and (hopefully!) at Pasko's. If you can't find them there, they are also be availabe at CombatAce, 'way at the end of the "Cold War Aircraft: Soviet Aircraft and Variants". Look on the last page, and you'll find them.


-This mod has NOT been tested in SF2 -- as I don't have it. Any attempts to add these aircraft, you're on your own! I'd reccomend NOT adding them to SF2, until such time as, or if, a new cat extractor becomes available, and the SF2 series weapons editor appears. Otherwise, you can't add anything...


It is HIGHLY reccomended you read the enclosed readme ALL the way through before installing this pak...that'll get you familiar with the proceedures and lowers the risk of mistakes and errors.... :wink:


Happy Landings!!


Kevin Stein


EDIT: package updated to include corrected avionics inis for Su-9B & Su-11. Sorry people! :sorry: W


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Nice work on this only found one bug on the Su-11 Radarscreen it doesn`t work right. When I try to aquire a target you can see a green stripe from the aquiring box across the radar screen and than nothing works.


decided to create on the Su-11 the MiG Ye-152 needs only a hump and some ini stuff to do

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???? Really?? I"ll check it, and if it needs fixing, issue an update.


damn cheap russian radars!!! :haha:



kevin stein

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decided to create on the Su-11 the MiG Ye-152 needs only a hump and some ini stuff to do


Not sure, the Su-11's size isn't right. Try asking the InSky team if they would kindly provide you a way to convert their old J-8 into the Ye-152 (kind of like what you did with the J-8II...).


Wrench: Have you considered the Su-7 pit, also by Boopidoo?


EDIT: Sue me, I've read the readme, I've understand what happened.

Edited by kct

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Ok ... found it. The Su-9B and Su-11 are missing 2 sections out of their respective avionics inis.


Just copy/paste the data below into each of their avi inis, and that'll take care of that...




















I guess I'll update my zip, and re-upload it.


You all should mark this day on your calenders....it's only the 3rd time I've EVER made a mistake on something I've uploaded!! :blush:


Here's what the damage tgas look like...this happened whilst I was check the radar displays. I forgotted that A-7s carry sidewinders...




kevin stein

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Yough thanks Wrench. Here is Su-9 canopy opening as we poast.



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My pleasure, sir. :salute:



kevin stein

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Another issue is that you need to remind people to paste the cockpit folder into the Su-11's folder.

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--response edited, then deleted by me---



kevin stein

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It's just been brought to my attention a slight "issue" with the numbering sequences in the avionics ini (yet again!) in all versins


copy/paste the text below DIRECTLY over the approiate sections in all 3 avionics inis for the Su-9A, Su-9B and Su-11:






































I cannot believe how badly I screwed this up....my apologies to all concerned, and my thanks to lindr2 for pointing this out



kevin stein

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