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Your greatest missions

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A mission which i'm going to start a thread about soon...


On an intercept mission in an F-15 i got 11 kills. 3 guns, 5 Aim7, 3 Aim9.


5 with Sparrows you ask? I hit an SU-22 and he collided with his wingman. :biggrin: In all 12 F-15s got 28 of the enemy with no losses in a wild fight!


Got a DFC out of that one. :yes:

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Negative on the mid-air collision damage.....


BTW, just did another camp mission in SF2. found 4 -21's on lineup... and whacked 'em all..

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Negative on the mid-air collision damage.....


BTW, just did another camp mission in SF2. found 4 -21's on lineup... and whacked 'em all..


Almost went after a bunch of MiG-17s doing the same thing yesterday. Wasn't sure about trucking over enemy turf, though - didn't have a whole lotta gas left - so I played it conservative.

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Negative on the mid-air collision damage.....


BTW, just did another camp mission in SF2. found 4 -21's on lineup... and whacked 'em all..


That's what it looked like to me. We were at about 5000ft when i got one that exploded violently and seemed to veer into his mate. Said mate went down like a load of bricks and hit the ground.


About the only other thing i can think of is fragment damage (if that is modeled at all) from the explosion.

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About the only other thing i can think of is fragment damage (if that is modeled at all) from the explosion.


I'd be interested to know if that is modeled, too. I'm leaning towards "no" based on the fact that I've flown my F-8 through many MiG clouds, and fuel truck explosions, and come out the other side just fine.

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Hah! Here's one for you: 101 kills in one mission. Of course, that was with a couple nukes and I was a little too low to survive myself. It was quite amusing, though. I dropped on an airfield with an adjacent town - vaporized pretty much everything in sight. Next time I'll have to release higher, and or use something in the kT range.

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Not too sure about the medal system - I don't have a screenshot but I got the Medal of Honor the other day for a mission on the bombing range....

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Last night while flying the 62 campaign in WOE, I was tasked with an intercept mission. My target, two Mig-17s with bombs on board. In my F-100 I attacked in full burn, making a slashing attack with guns since my heaters were useless at this angle. I missed on the first pass, reversed the turn, and made another high deflection pass with guns. My intention was to vector roll out, and come back with proper range and aspect for a heater shot. I saw what appeared to be a good opporitunity for a guns shot and took it. I fired 9 rounds, hit with two, and destroyed both Migs. Here is a screen of the aftermath.


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flying the stock campaign in SFP1, in a A-4 squadron but modded to fly from a carrier.

Strike mission, a 4-ship armed with 4x Mk82 each, target : a small runway.

Ingress without trouble, then we were jumped by a dozen MiG-17 during the bomb attack ... #2 was shot down on his pull-out .

My flight made enough holes into the rwy, then we tangled with the MiG's for several minutes.. shot down 2 of the jumpers hehe.

All cool.. heading for feet wet... but only for 3 minutes, then got jumped again by more -17's ... another gunfight followed.. we had to fight our way back to the coast. got shot up pretty good in the furball, lost the rudder.

Landed on the carrier with the 3rd attempt. #3+4 made it too.


fun game!

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Today i took a Mig-21 F-13 up for a single mission, hadn't flown it in ages and was very happy to dodge a couple sparrows and get an F4 with an AA-2. Saw a 2nd explode before I could close on him.

Then I bopped up to 50,000 feet and dove down on my airfield for a nice little buzzing and to see if I could fly this thing fast and low.


Landed and was surprised to see two kills on the board for me! One from AA-2 and one listed as N/A!


Cool I scared him into the ground!

Soo, I check the log and...

the second kill was a tent I set on fire with my afterburner. LOL


Hm, wondered why i hadnt noticed that smoke on the first pass.

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Just did a quick single mission in the A-4E Super Echo on the new SoCal terrain. Enemy contact was unknown. Default flight roster was only two scooters and armament was 2 AIM-9Ms and guns. Took off from Marimar, got up to waypoint 3 and picked up the enemy flight. Targeted and I.D. them and it turned up to be 4 Mig-29As! Thought I was outnumbered and outgunned for being in a A-4, but figure since it's not real, why not give it a shot. They fired first, at my wingie and I then told him to break off and engage. Got into a good furball close to the deck that lasted for about 5 to 10 minutes. Through out this, I'm able to catch my wingie on several occasions being chased around and shot at by 2 Fulcrums while I'm chaseing after another one while having a 2nd on my rear. I was finally able to take out two Fulcrums with my sidewinders. My wingie was able to takeout one with guns, but then crashed shortly after. I turned back around and found the last Mig-29 making a run back for home. I pursued and caught up with him over his home airfield and then got into another dogfight with him. I was able to get myelf into a postion where I'm coming up behind and above him with about a mile between us. He's turns, trying to jink back into me. I bank with him and pull up hard as he starts to pass by my nose and let off 30 rounds from the guns, hitting him with only 3 which cause an instant Kaboom! I then unload, hit the deck, and make a run back to base.

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Nice job, server.


Tecumseh, good use of the A/B man. I haven't ignited any tents, but I did intimidate a couple MiGs into the deck during my F-8 campaign over Israel. No points for the kill either. I call BS.

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