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I mentioned last night on a different subject that I was working on an 80s campaign for SF2. Here's the general gist of the story:


Operation Desert Shepherd:\nJuly 1986. With full scale conventional war raging in Europe between the superpowers, Shah Komar of Paran seizes the opportunity and proceeds with a crushing pre-emptive strike against key Dhimari positions. The US has commited its frontline units to the fight in Europe but has promised one ANG squadron which will arrive within the week. Also, the carrier USS Midway has been taken out of retirement and is already en route with VF-151 aboard. Before hostilities broke out, US Navy Aggresor squadron VF-43 had already been in Dhimar providing ACM training for the Dhimari Air Force and are fully in the fray. Not knowing exactly how or when a re-supply can take place, these are desperate times for Dhimar. Operation Desert Shepherd has begun!


I'm trying to create a Rawke's Drift/Zulu situation where, basically, the s**t's hit the fan and things are looking pretty grim at the outset.

I just wanted to post this onto the forum because sometimes a second opinion never hurts.

If anyone has some ideas or suggestions I'd be happy to hear them :good:

I believe it was Rourke's Drift and the bad guys (Zulus) outnumbered the good guys (Brits) about 1000 to 1. Of course the good guys had guns and the bad guys had spears, but the spear-chukkers came to fight. I seem to recall that there were 11 Victoria Crosses (Brit equivalent to US Medal of Honor) awarded for the single engagement. My only question is whether the bad guys will sing to the good guys as a worthy enemy in your campaign if they survive?


Regardless, I cannot wait to see your work. Good on you!!!

Edited by Jug

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I believe it was Rourke's Drift and the bad guys (Zulus) outnumbered the good guys (Brits) about 1000 to 1. Of course the good guys had guns and the bad guys had spears, but the spear-chukkers came to fight. I seem to recall that there were 11 Victoria Crosses (Brit equivalent to US Medal of Honor) awarded for the single engagement. My only question is whether the bad guys will sing to the good guys as a worthy enemy in your campaign if they survive?


Regardless, I cannot wait to see your work. Good on you!!!


Zulus! What do you know about Zulus?




My all time favorite movie.


Bromhead: "Sixty! We dropped at least 60, wouldn't you say?"

Adendorff: "That leaves only 3,940."


:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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It looks like we will have a Buccaneer in the near future.

Is there, or can there be some room for them in this campaign?

USMC OV-10s too please

:ph34r: CL

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It looks like we will have a Buccaneer in the near future.

Is there, or can there be some room for them in this campaign?

USMC OV-10s too please

:ph34r: CL


The main jist of the story is that Paran attacks Dhimar, taking advantage of the fact that NATO is under siege from Warsaw Pact and Soviet forces, and the US (due to their more urgent obligations in Europe) is only able to deploy token reserve forces to assist the Dhimaris.

So obviously the RAF will be too busy to make appearances of any sort, unless ..... the RDAF had a squadron or two of Buccaneers in their inventory :wink: .

Not a bad idea, CL. Only thing is that a Dhimari skin would have to be knocked out, and skins are NOT my specialty :no: .


Know anyone?

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I'm a bit weak on Dhimars' relationships with euro countries but if the UK has/had any relationship with them I'm thinking like in WW2 where the UK didn't pull back all thier resources to save the mother country. Sorry about the distraction. I know this is supose to be mainly a Midway campaign, and that really turns my screws, but thier is always other players when the shooting starts. If England is totaly under siege and has bucs flying off the beach overseas they may want to still hold some assets abroad where they are "safe" for a counter attack or they just may get left behind in the fray. I should probably be spending more energy beating up on White Knight for a desert skin for Charlie Lima Marine Enterprise SPADs diverted from thier African assignment to Dhimar. I still can't wait for this campaign.

:ph34r: CL

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