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Hey Ultramax,


I'd give the Dhimari's MF F-16A_Blk1 and some F-5's. I'm pretty sure you could adapt the Israeli skin from the other MF F-16.


Hey WK,


Could you whip up a new textures for the A-4C/E, F-5A/E, and MiG-21MF?


This is just a personal opinion but I've used the various MF F-16 models before I purchased WOI and was blown away when I saw and used the F-16 Netz. The stock WOI F-16 cockpit is far better and more detailed than the MF cockpit, as is the WOI F-16 model and Israeli skin itself. But as I said already, for me it's just a personal preferance.

I suppose you could use the Venezuelan F-16A Block 15 and put Dhimari decals on the skin, which has a desert-type colour scheme also. Another option, if you have WOI would be to extract the stock WOI F-16 cockpit and place it in the MF F-16 model of your choice. I did that with the SF2 Mirage 5D. To make the plane flyable I extracted the Nesher cokpit from WOI and placed it in the Mirage 5D folder.

On the subject of F-5s, I've been toying with the idea of throwing a 'good will gesture' squadron of Saudi F-5Es into the campaign on the Dhimari side. The only problem there is until a Weapon Editor can be released for SF2 I can't put any default drop tanks on it :dntknw:

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Yeah, but not everyone has WOI (although you all should). I have to agree on the cockpit for WOI is much more detailed, and smooth flowing. I hope TK releases the weapons editor soon, so we can start adding weapons. The other thing I'm waiting for the new targets editor. I want to create a new targets (sam and AA batteries, as well as some ports), which seem to be missing from SF2.


BTW, happy birthday Whiteknight.

Edited by suhsjake

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Yeah, but not everyone has WOI (although you all should). I have to agree on the cockpit for WOI is much more detailed, and smooth flowing. I hope TK releases the weapons editor soon, so we can start adding weapons. The other thing I'm waiting for the new targets editor. I want to create a new targets (sam and AA batteries, as well as some ports), which seem to be missing from SF2.


BTW, happy birthday Whiteknight.



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In my install, Dhimar uses the F-16A-ADF to protect it´s airspace.


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I concur with Amok, the ADF would be a very likey export canidate.

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The USS Midway was The Forward Deployed Carrier home ported in Yokosuka Japan until it returned to the U.S in 1991. No need to haul her out of Bremerton and re activate the US Navy's Foriegn Legion for another war in the 80's when It Is allready there.

Using the Midway in any military campaign anywhere between the far east and mid east would be fare dinkum. Especially when The excrement hits the fan in this area. CV-41 was no stranger to gonzo station. The purpose of the Midway then was to buy time before the The big show arrives.


When I left CV-41 / CAG-5 in 1985 we had this flying off the boat:

2 F-4 squadrons. Not sure whether they were Ns or Ss

2 A-7 squadrons.

1(2?) A-6 squadron.

1 EA-6B Det.

1 E-2C Det or Squadron?

H-3 SeaKings, HC-1 det 2, 3 or so birds was relieved by HS-12, 6 birds. Some det out to surface fleet units.


The Midway more often then not stopped at Subic / Cubi on the way out and back home. Thier was no shortage of USMC F-4s at Cubi Point. I could see some planner having us to stack the deck with

VMFA-333 F-4Ss while sailing west. There was also A-4s (SEA Camo Aggressors) with VC-5 there at Cubi also that might be another airplane we could haul out to the fray.

Cool project!

:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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Thanks for the info CL. Looks like my information on the Midway was wrong. Dont know where I got my info on her being decommisioned in '86. I took the liberty of checking it out on Wikipedia. Check it out for yourself:




Looks like I might also have to take you up on your info on USN squadrons. I did a test run about 30 minutes ago on 'Op Desert Shepherd'. I had assigned the Aggressor squadron VF-43 as one of the active USN squadrons and had them based in D6 Airfield. With each air arm I tested (USAF, USN, Merc) there was no sign of them being active. Maybe I'll put an A-7 and/or an A-6 squadron alongside VF-151's F-4S squadron. There wasn't even any sign of VF-43 in the drop-down menu at the start when you have to select what air arm you have to fly for. Maybe it's because VF-43 isn't in the default SF2 squadronlist. Can anyone give advice on how to solve this?


Two more small snags that someone might be able to help with:


1. When I tested out flying the F-4S from Midway, the 1st campaign mission starts no problem on the deck of Midway. The only problem is in the main Campaign ini I put this entry in:










VF-151 were supposed to start 12 days after the out break of hostilities, not on the startdate. All the other player squadrons have been designed to start on the day war breaks out - as it states in the CampaignData.ini:






I wanted to give the idea of the US Navy playing the part of the Cavalry coming to the rescue.


2. Playing the campaign with the Mercs is no problem, apart from the fact that the game engine ignores the MIRAGE5DLOADOUT.INI.

When I go to 'loadout' on the campaign mission menu, nothing is selected. I have to select weapons myself from the list (which even includes Soviet weapons!) and the default Mirage drop tanks aren't available.


Ideas on these niggly problems anyone?

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Thanks for the info CL. Looks like my information on the Midway was wrong. Dont know where I got my info on her being decommisioned in '86. I took the liberty of checking it out on Wikipedia. Check it out for yourself:




I did. Again and again thats why I had to edit my post a bakers dozen times because there was a big gap between my personnal knowledge of CV-41 that stopped in 1985 and didn't get it again untill I saw the news that the boat was finally back in the US. Excelllant choice on the Midway tho. The Coral Sea is at Norfolk too for your what if pleasure.

:ph34r: CL

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Yeah, but not everyone has WOI (although you all should). I have to agree on the cockpit for WOI is much more detailed, and smooth flowing. I hope TK releases the weapons editor soon, so we can start adding weapons. The other thing I'm waiting for the new targets editor. I want to create a new targets (sam and AA batteries, as well as some ports), which seem to be missing from SF2.


BTW, happy birthday Whiteknight.




As for skins I'll see what I can whip up in the next few days.

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As for skins I'll see what I can whip up in the next few days.


A PM from a royal Dhimari family member:

We are delighted the great force of America come s to help in or time of need. The news of the Marine Corps Squadrons with the Phantom S is good news indeed. Please so we don't look week in front of our people That the great squadrons VMFA-531 and VMFA-333 arrive at our bases painted as desert and not ocean so as not to upset the people who wish to be thier most friend. We wish you to appear as us as we are you. The planes from the sea can have the ocean paint. Many will not see these.

Always your friend and servent,

(Deleted for security reasons)

:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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Hi guys. Don't know why but the IAI F-21 Lion Aggressor Kfir won't appear on the campaign, even as an AI squadron, so I've struck it off the project. Pity really. To make up for things I've added two squadrons; one USN attack squadron and one USMC fighter squadron (both also on Midway). Here's the list on the new CAMPAIGN.INI :



CampaignName=Operation Desert Shepherd














































UnitName=1st Special Ops Wing








I've chosen the A-7E because there were two A-7E squadrons aboard the Midway, namely VA-56 and VA-93 aboard from the early 70s. I've chosen the MF A-7E as the aircraft platform but unfortunately there aren't any skins for that squadron available with the MF A-7E.

While looking into the Midway's career (acting also on charlielima's info - cheers bud :good: ) it transpires that VMFA-333's F-4S squadron have been aboard from time to time so I thought it would be a good idea to add 'the boys':



BTW has anyone been able to think about my little problem regarding the carrier squadrons' start dates? For example:

The carrier start date is 07/21/1986. Obviously I've edited the carrierborne squadrons to start on the same date. But when, for example, I start a Merc campaign (which starts on 07/09/1986 - the same date as the campaign) there's carrier squadrons flying in the area. I can upload the campagn.ini and campaigndata.ini if anyone's interested in looking through that issue. I'd really appreciate it :yes: . I may seem like a pain in the a**e on this issue but I guess I'm just ine of those guys who likes everything just right :ok:

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By all rights it should work as you have it. I did notice this entry which is fairly new;



CampaignName=Operation Desert Shepherd



Historical=FALSE <------------------







Have you tried changing that to TRUE to see if it makes sure the dates stay firm?

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By all rights it should work as you have it. I did notice this entry which is fairly new;



CampaignName=Operation Desert Shepherd



Historical=FALSE <------------------







Have you tried changing that to TRUE to see if it makes sure the dates stay firm?


Will check that out Dave :good: . I don't suppose you'd fancy looking over the ini files if I attached them to my next message here? (Just so you'd be able to see the full picture as I created it)

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Sure I can look at them.

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Thanks for your help Dave. Much appreciated.

Just checked out your suggestion. Changed that said entry to 'Historical: TRUE'. Nochange I'm afraid.

Before you take a lookat the ini's I just want to give you the reasons for a late USN/USMC start; I want to give the idea of the Midway arriving in the conflict area much like the 'cavalry coming to the rescue' when Dhimar's 'posterior' is against the wall after over a week of fighting with reduced squadron numbers.


Anyway, here's the inis. Once again thanks for your time in assisting me on this.





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Found it ( I think)


StartDateDeviation=14 <--------------change that 1 or 0 and let me know.

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Found it ( I think)


StartDateDeviation=14 <--------------change that 1 or 0 and let me know.


Watch this space Dave. Will get back to you ASAP

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Found it ( I think)


StartDateDeviation=14 <--------------change that 1 or 0 and let me know.


No joy I'm afraid bud. Tried both 1 and 0 and the carrier squadrons started either on the day the campaign started (07/09/1986) or within one day of it. I brought the number back to 14 and discovered that when flying with the USN/USMC it's within a couple of days of whenever they're supposed to start.

I still have that problem though when flying with the USAF or Mercs of seeing the carrier squadrons flying long before they're due to appear :dntknw:

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Hmm looks like we are going to have to ask JSF_Aggie and I am perplexed as you are.

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Too bad about the Kfirs. Maybe a Marine A-4M Squadron can get that duty instead. They should be on the squadron list. I was going to suggest A-4Es and TA-A4J With VC-5. No squadron specific skins I can find. There is the low viz sea grey scheme tho in Gerwins A-4 skin pac that VC-5 Used in the 80s. There might be another VC squadron from the atlantic side that is skinned. You might be able to add VF-43 to your squadron list. I remember seeing something like that when loading SoulFreak's Hi ANG F-4c skin.

It sounds like it should be a way cool campaign. Looking forward to it.

:ph34r: CL

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Too bad about the Kfirs. Maybe a Marine A-4M Squadron can get that duty instead. They should be on the squadron list. I was going to suggest A-4Es and TA-A4J With VC-5. No squadron specific skins I can find. There is the low viz sea grey scheme tho in Gerwins A-4 skin pac that VC-5 Used in the 80s. There might be another VC squadron from the atlantic side that is skinned. You might be able to add VF-43 to your squadron list. I remember seeing something like that when loading SoulFreak's Hi ANG F-4c skin.

It sounds like it should be a way cool campaign. Looking forward to it.

:ph34r: CL



Jesus, CL; you've just given me another idea! I might actually put on an USN F-5E Aggressor squadron since I've successfully tested the F-5E in SF2. An add-on aggressor shouldn't be too hard to get my hands on either.

It seems (and I could be wrong here) that SF2 will only recognise default squadrons on the SquadronList.ini, so I've attached a list of the default USN Fighter squadrons. Maybe yourself or somebody might be able to recognise if one of them is an Aggressor squadron:




Thanks for keeping the interest up lads. :good:

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VF-111 serves as an F-5 aggressor squadron out of NAS Key West, as VFC-111 now adays. But in the 1980s they were still an active USN F-14 squadron.

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Ah Sugar, No Joy There. All I can think of now is find a VA, VMFA, or what Squadron on the list that was decommissioned in the mid 80s and have them Kfir up on the beech as an aggressor force as a what if. Last resort would be A-4Ms. I still think the squadron list is the egg to crack. As we've seen before someone always wants to play thier plane and squadron on a campaign and posts fiercly about it.

:ph34r: CL

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Will check it out in the campaign now to see if it works

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