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Questions About Some Aircraft

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1 Wasn't there an OV-10 in the works or available a while back? That would be a great FAC or CAS/CSAR bird to fly.


2 I've seen a thread concerning the Cobra but it's not in the Downloads, where can I find it?


3 What A-1 in the down loads should I get? I've been away from the game for a while and lost track of the latest updates.

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1. There is 2 OV-10's in the download sections. Cold War Multi engine.






2. The Cobra is at Capuns site. You have to register.


3. Use any of wrench stuff in the A-1 section and get this:






Also the first 4 skins on this page.


I also recommend Razbam's A-1's, doesnt cost alot.

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1. OV-10D is in the download area :)

2. Cobra can be found on A-Team's site

3. Digital-Overload's one + Wrenchs upgrades


EDIT: I'm typing slow today, that might not be too bad, gives me time to think before typing lol

Edited by Brain32

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Capun's site is closed and they have to let you in. So if you aren't already in then you probably wont be getting it.

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So if you aren't already in then you probably wont be getting it.


That statement is incorrect...


The site is NOT closed, it's just 'member's access only'. All one needs to do is request access as stated in the "Boards & Files Policies Forum". May take a few days to get a respose, due to Real Life ™ commitments.


ie: sending capun an email requesting access.

Don't sound all the hard to me..



kevin stein

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Thanks Wrench, I'll email capun for access. I hope he recognizes my board name :blink: I need a few of the boats on his also besides the Snake. Speaking of which, anyone have a good link for the A Team AH-1G?, the one in the repaint section is dead.

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